3 Things to Keep in Mind When Planning Business Travel in 2023

Whether the business travel is for yourself, colleagues or even employees, it’s important to keep a few things in mind when you’re planning travel for 2023. Due to the pandemic, many countries have different rules and regulations for entering that are constantly changing. It’s important that you keep yourself up to date with those requirements to ensure the trip goes smoothly. Because of all of the shut downs and decrease in travel over the past two years, there are also more delays with commercial flights than ever before. If you or your staff will be traveling for a large part of the year, it’s important to check in to see if this amount of travel is compatible with their family and relationships. Keep reading to learn more about my top 3 things to keep in mind when planning business travel in 2023.

Plan in Advance
Things are not the same as they were two or three years ago. Many countries have new, specific requirements which could be challenging depending on your employee’s passports and health status. For this reason, especially if visas are required, I think it’s important to plan in advance. Be sure to also check regularly in case of any changes to the requirements. If you’re making a trip to consult with your angel investors, for example, then you don’t want to send a bad impression by having to cancel the trip last minute because you don’t meet the entry requirements.

Check in On Mental Health
Traveling extensively, while it can be a lot of fun, can be extremely mentally demanding as well as put a lot of pressure on relationships. If this year is shaping up to be extremely heavy on travel, then it might be worthwhile checking in with your employees to see whether their families are coping okay and what you can do to make this easier on them. If the large amount of travel is putting pressure on their marriage or relationship with their children, you might want to direct them to relationshiptherapycentre.com where they can learn more about how therapy can help them work through these issues. At the end of the day you don’t want your employees to suffer mentally due to a packed travel schedule. 
Be Wary of Delays and Cancellations
There are shortages in staff all around the world, but particularly in the avion industry. Airlines are also somewhat apprehensive to hire because they’re trying desperately to recover from a tough few years. This means that there’s a good chance you’re going to experience more problems and delays than ever before. If possible, it may be worthwhile investing in corporate jet charter so you can have a bit more confidence that your flights will arrive on time and baggage won’t be lost. You might be surprised by how competitive the pricing is, especially if you’re flying quite a lot of people to the same destination.

Traveling in 2023 definitely looks a little bit different to how it was before the pandemic, however with a bit of smart planning you can minimize any problems. Be sure to check in regularly with your employees or yourself, if there’s a lot of travel in the works for 2023.