5 Signs You Need Rehab Now

Treatment Center Florida

People get high or drink alcohol for the first time to satisfy a variety of reasons. Some do it to bow down to peer pressure. Others try it to satisfy their curiosity. Not all of these cases lead to addiction. However, some users end up dependent and addicted, as they use the substance to fulfill a valuable need, the HelpGuide observes. If you see yourself exhibiting the following signs, that means you need addiction recovery assistance. The sooner you check into a trusted Florida treatment center, the better. Here are five signs you should watch out for.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person abuses drugs or alcohol, their body develops a tolerance for the substance. That tolerance worsens with continued use, with the person gradually becoming dependent on the drug or alcohol. Going cold turkey then leads to the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms, such as sweating, nausea, and trembling, GuideDoc says. If you experience withdrawal symptoms whenever you try to quit drinking or stop taking drugs, get yourself professional rehab assistance.

Going Beyond the Dosage

If you take prescription drugs for pain relief, you’re at greater risk of developing an addiction. If you’re taking more than the recommended dosage, or you take the drug more frequently, that means you’re starting to abuse the medication. Get help before your addiction worsens. Reach out to a rehab facility for consultation and treatment.

Moodiness and Lack of Interest

Do you find yourself without any energy or interest in activities or subjects that you used to be passionate about? Is your performance suffering at work or school? Are you missing deadlines, or you no longer care about making a good impression? Addiction tends to do that. If you find yourself thinking about taking the drug or drinking alcohol nearly all the time, seek out recovery help.

Risky or Destructive Behavior

Are you taking risks with your safety? Are you stealing to finance your drug habit? Are you getting into fights with your colleagues or complete strangers? Do you snap at friends or family members who try to talk to you about your drinking habits, or you bring up the possibility that you may be suffering from drug addiction? Those are all indications that you may be way over your head. Also, abusing alcohol to the point that you’re no longer in control of your actions is dangerous, especially if you drink and drive.

Inability to Stop

You tell yourself you can stop any time. But you’ve tried it, and you can’t seem to make that happen. It doesn’t matter if the drug or alcohol compromises your health. Even when you know it’s not good for you, you continue to abuse the substance. That disregard for your well-being is another sign that you’ve fallen deep into addiction. If you start suffering from sleep problems, irregular weight loss or gain, frequent bloody noses, shakes, tremors, and more, get help. Make an appointment with a substance abuse counselor to determine the treatment that will address your needs and help you achieve sobriety.