7 Amazing Winter Tyre Care And Maintenance Tips

Winter Tyres

As the seasonal change approaches, it’s time to store away your summer tyres and finally whip out those winter tyres. As much as everyone loves snow and chilly weather, along comes with it wet and icy roads as well. Winter tyres help you drive safely in these unpredictable road conditions so it is only natural that you should look after them as well. They do keep you safe without compromising with your overall car performance after all.

The changing seasons have a big impact on your tyres Sturminster Newton, especially when it gets cold outside, so it’s vital to know how to care for them while they’re on your vehicle and when they’re in storage to make sure they stay in good shape.

Here are some pointers for caring for and maintaining your hardworking winter tyres. You’ll be prepared and confident as you ride out the rest of the season with these must-know tips.

1. Keep A Keen Eye On Tyre Pressure

Freezing conditions cause the pressure in your tyres to decrease, which has a surprising influence on tyre pressure. Driving with under-inflated tyres causes them to lose their form, which can lead to failure, excessive tread wear, higher rolling resistance, and poorer control in turns, especially in heavy icy conditions. It’s also problematic since your tyres are low on pressure; your car won’t respond as reliably when you apply the brakes which may lead you to various road mishaps.

2. Try To Invest In A Complete Tyre Set

Sometimes drivers assume they only need two winter tyres if their car is a front-wheel drive, which may come as a surprise. While this may appear to be a simple method to save a few funds, it is still considered to be risky. Each kind of tyre will behave differently if you mix mismatched tyres or two snow tyres with two all-season tyres. Because each tyre can handle the circumstances considerably better, installing a full set of winter tyres will result in less wear on your tyres. All four tyres must have the same amount of grip and suppleness to manage the cold and wet roads.

3. Optimum Tread Depth

Before the weather gets too cold, it’s critical to check the tread wear on your Continental Tyres Sturminster Newton. On slick roads, you need a lot of grip; therefore worn tyres can result in diminishing results. If you wait until the first snowfall or cold snap occurs, you may find that your automobile slides and skids on the roadways due to worn-out tyres. This is extremely dangerous for both you and other people, so check the tread early in the season.

4. Try To Keep The Tyres As Clean As Possible

Cleaning road dirt off of your tyres before storing them or cruising with them on the road every time may seem like a herculean task but it is all the more necessary as the accumulation of dirt and filth may cause harm if it remains on your tyres for too long. Salt, muck, and dirt should be removed as soon as possible to avoid corrosion and damage. Because problems with the wheels are more difficult to detect when they’re unclean, you should strive to keep them clean and maintained as much as possible.

5. Look For Tyre Wear

Inspecting your winter tyres regularly is the best method to keep them in good condition. Considering the strain that winter driving places on your wheels, it’s crucial to inspect them for any signs of damage. You can look after your tyres by simply spending a few extra minutes looking over them and you might be able to avoid a major problem. Driving in the cold with damaged tyres will not only affect your car’s fuel efficiency but will also result in poor car handling.

6. Swap Them Out At The Correct Time

To ensure that the tread on your winter tyres lasts longer, make sure you remove them at the appropriate time. Changing tyres entails much more than simply replacing them with a new pair. Your tyres must be properly installed and inflated, as well as balanced, aligned, and maintained.

7. Store Them Away In A Safe And Clean Manner

Always keep your tyres in a clean, cool, and dry area away from direct sunlight while storing them. Tyres that have been exposed to the sun for an extended period of time may begin to overheat, causing the rubber to rupture and crack. A garage is usually the greatest place to keep them away from all these factors. Don’t keep them near radiators or air vents since they should be stored away from any hot spaces. Wrap the tyres in four huge storage bags, ensuring to get rid of all the air. The lubricating fluids in the tyres will not evaporate as a result of this.