The right devices to choose , you can do a lot to save energy . Do the rounds at your home and see which devices need to be replaced !
Cooling and freezing
It’s no secret that refrigerators and freezers are one of the biggest power guzzlers in the house. Therefore choose appliances with an A +++ label , which are up to 60% more economical . Try also to your refrigerator and freezer as little as possible to open , because the device must additional energy supply to cool back down .
The ideal temperature of your refrigerator is 4 to 6 ° C , each degree lower means 5% extra consumption . Do not clutter your refrigerator , because the more it contains , the more it consumes . Do not put hot dishes directly in the refrigerator, but let them cool down first . Hot dishes cause the temperature in the refrigerator to rise . This not only uses more energy , but also increases the chance of bacteria . Frozen products are allowed againdefrost in the refrigerator as this helps to keep the refrigerator cool . Avoid useless energy and turn the refrigerator off when two weeks or longer journey goes.
The ideal temperature of your freezer is -18 ° C , each degree lower means 5% extra consumption . Also defrost your freezer regularly (at least once a year) because ice builds up more energy. Unlike a refrigerator , an empty freezer consumes more than a full one , because the air in the free space must also be cooled . Therefore, fill in the empty space , for example with styrofoam .
Washing and drying
Along with refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers are one of the main energy consumers in any household. Keep this in mind when purchasing your device and choose machines with an A +++ label , which consume up to five times less electricity. The most energy goes to heating the water , was therefore as much as possible at lower temperatures . Benefit as much as possible from the cheaper night and weekend rates . You do not have to get out of your bed for this, most devices nowadays have a “ delayed start”-function.
Washing machine
With the current washing machines you can wash well at 30 degrees . So only wash at higher temperatures if you really need to, for example if your clothes are full of stains . Always wait until you have a full machine , so you do not consume useless energy. If you make sure that the washing machine is already drying the laundry properly , you no longer need a dryer or at least use less energy .
Led lamps

Classic light bulbs are not only anything but energy-efficient, they are also not efficient at all, as 95% of the energy they use is converted into heat and only 5% into light. LED lamps can be a bigger part of converting electricity into light Box Build Assembly, making them less electricity consumption for the same amount of light produce. LED lamps are more expensive to purchase, but thanks to their lower energy consumption and longer lifespan you will earn that back in the long run . Choose a lamp with energy label A, they are the most economical. Of course, even with lamps that are energy-efficient, you should not leave the light on unnecessarily. To fully respect this rule, you can install a motion detector that only lights up when you enter a room and goes out when you leave the room.
When it comes to a TV’s power consumption, there are two things to consider. On the one hand the type of screen; plasma screens consume a lot , lcd led screens average and oled screens are the most economical. If your device is five years or older , there is a good chance that it will have a plasma screen, so it is best to replace it . On the other hand, the logical reasoning applies, the larger the TV is, the less economical.
Do the dishes
The use cost of a dishwasher weighs more heavily than purchase price . So don’t be stingy when you’re in the store. Do not run the machine when it is half full , two half full turns consume much more than one full. Make use of the eco program , this takes longer but you use 30% less electricity and a quarter less water ! Thanks to the start delay function that most dishwashers have, you can easily take advantage of the nightly rate . Even a well-maintained machine is more economical, so clean the filter regularly by rinsing it under running water. Remember, although a dishwasher is an energy consumer, it still uses less water than washing by hand !
You no longer have to remain on standby
In addition to the correct choice of device , there are a number of simple things that you can pay attention to to save energy. Did you know that 10% of the electricity consumption in the home is sneak consumption ? That is energy consumption caused by devices that are not completely turned off . This concerns, for example, time indications on decoders , TVs and modems that are in standby . A printer , hairdryer or kettle you only need it for a moment , but the plug often remains in the socket all day and so the device consumes energy, even if it is only a small amount. Also chargers for mobile phones and laptops gives you the best from the wall outlet when you do not use anymore. If you do not want to unplug all appliances separately, use a multiple plug with an on / off switch .