7 Reasons You Should Use Tiles in Your House Design

Ceramic tiles are one of the most popular flooring options, while there are a lot of applications where tiles are used on walls for both protection and aesthetic reasons. There are numerous perks to using ceramic tiles and the majority of them are tied to their impressive physical properties. Ceramic tiles are:

  • Durable
  • Water-resistant
  • Scratch-resistant
  • Great heat conductors

These are just some of the impressive list of tile benefits. Still, what does this mean in terms of your home’s design and how can you get the most from some of these perks?

Here’s a brief list of the top seven reasons why you should use tiles in your house design. Each of these would be impressive in their own right but put together, they make ceramic tiles hard to ignore as a potential solution.

1.Hypoallergenic and easy to maintain

Some of the greatest advantages of tiles are the facts that they’re hypoallergenic and easy to maintain. Unlike some other flooring options, tiles do not capture dirt, germs, or mites. This means that you have an easy job of just swiping your tile flooring and resting assured that it’s completely clean.

Another perk for the health of all the inhabitants comes from the fact that you can, fairly effectively, clean these tiles with a mix of soap and water. Other than this, you can also use water and vinegar. Since you can use these homemade solutions, you can avoid the use of heavy chemicals indoors. This makes your household a much safer place. Apart from this, you also get to make cleaning solutions out of regular household ingredients.

There are so many types of tile cleaners available, some that are great for your budget, others that can be chosen according to your unique cleaning style. For instance, you may prefer to go with a cleaning paste or a cleaner with bleach.

The simplicity of maintenance and health perks of tile flooring (and walls) are second to none.

2. Resistant to wear and tear

Tiles are durable and they’re resistant to all sorts of wear and tear.

In terms of aging, they may not have the longevity of hardwood (after a restoration) or stone, but you can get great tiles for just a fraction of the price of these other two flooring options.

Potential restoration is also a huge advantage of these tiles. You see, if a tile gets scratched or cracked, it’s possible for you to just replace that particular tile or that particular segment. If the tiles are of high enough quality and you’re vigilant enough in their maintenance, there won’t be any discoloration for years. This means that the new tile will fit perfectly. Keep in mind that with some other flooring options (like carpets), a hole, a cut, or a rough part would be more than obvious.

The most important characteristic of tiles is the fact that they’re water-resistant. This is what makes them so great for the kitchen and bathroom. Still, their functionality doesn’t end there. After all, by going for tiles in your living room, you will be a lot less afraid of hosting a party or having guests over. Trusting in the physical properties and resilience of your flooring is incredibly important.

3. Ceramic wall tiles

For the majority of this post, we talked about tile flooring, however, ceramic tiles can be used on walls, just as efficiently.

As we already listed, they are low-cost, easy to clean, and durable. While this is already impressive, it looks even more impressive when discussed in the context of walls. Why? Well, because you will need to paint your walls a lot sooner than you would have to change your flooring. In other words, since walls are more prone to wear and tear, durability plays a bigger factor in this decision-making process.

In areas like the kitchen or bathroom, a backsplash is a major problem for your walls, especially if you don’t get the right paint or wallpaper. With the help of tiles, you can resolve this quite effortlessly.

Also, ceramic tiles are a great choice for a kids’ room. They won’t be able to leave sticky handprints all over the wall. If they try to draw something on the wall, this is easy to clean. The incredible durability will even ensure that they won’t damage/scratch the wall even if they throw something against it.

In your living room, you can pick something elegant like stone mosaic tiles to create a unique artistic impression. This is a cost-effective alternative to going for a traditional mural.

4. Great and easy to fit with any style

The fact that there are so many tile patterns out there gives you a lot of room to decorate every single area to your liking.

The first major advantage of tiles is the fact that they can mimic every other material out there. Traditional ceramic tiles are easy to recognize but you can also go for ceramic tiles that have a hardwood-like pattern, stone-like pattern, or even marble-like pattern. This gives you a chance to replace a high-end option with its low-cost, high-versatility lookalike.

For instance, a lot of people are enamored with the idea of having a bare brick wall in their bathroom, however, they dread the idea of a complex maintenance process. With the help of a running bond/brick pattern, you can achieve this effect with tiles.

If you want to organize a particular area in a rustic style, you can go with a basketweave pattern. This way, you don’t have to overinvest in a hardwood floor (especially in areas like the kitchen where this high-end idea isn’t necessarily the best suited).

5. Cost-effective flooring solution

While tiles are not the cheapest flooring solution, they’re more cost-effective than their lookalike alternatives. For instance, a ceramic tile with a hardwood pattern is a lot less expensive than its actual hardwood alternative. This goes for the majority of other solutions.

Even with flooring solutions that are of a similar price, it seems like ceramic tiles have more to offer. For instance, tiles are more water and stain-resistant than laminate, cork, and PVC. They’re also more scratch-resistant.

In other words, you get more for the same amount of money.

If you decide to combine floor and wall tiles, you get a seamless transition on a budget. Figuring out a way to achieve the same or similar visual impression by other means would be incredibly difficult. In other words, what you also get is an unprecedented flexibility

6. Eco-friendly and higher air quality

Ceramic tiles are far more eco-friendly than the majority of other solutions you may have available. The entire process of producing ceramic tiles, from mining to the actual production has a relatively low carbon footprint. Since they’re stackable, they’re quite compact to pack and transport. Fortunately, some types of tiles are more compact and easier to transfer than others. This makes them quite transport-friendly.

Aside from this, ceramic tiles are a great conductor of heat. This is why they can be a great flooring option for your floor heating system. Apart from this, it is quite heat-absorbent and reflective. This means that, while tile floors are, by their very nature, seen as cold, they can enhance the heating efficiency in your home by quite the margin.

7. You can overcome any disadvantage

Tiles have their disadvantages but they also have a solution for every single one of these problems.

For instance, some argue that tiles are cold but you can always add a rug to your flooring. In a scenario where you have floor heating, the temperature of the tiles is never a problem. Tiles are even more effective when combined with underfoot heating. This is because porcelain conveys the heat more efficiently, which further allows you to achieve greater energy efficiency in your home.

Others complain about the fact that tiles don’t have too high of sound absorption. The truth is that if you’re willing to invest some additional effort, this can easily be solved. You can add a thin-set mortar below these tiles to make them more sound absorbent. Some agencies specialize in improving the acoustics of your home and consulting them might be a great idea.

Those who believe that ceramic tiles are too plain or that they are exclusively for the kitchen honestly have no idea what they’re talking about. Tiles nowadays come in every shape, size, and pattern.

In conclusion

In the end, the reason for using tiles in your house design is fairly self-explanatory – it gives you more value for the same investment. This means that you get durability and ease of maintenance that you would otherwise have to pay a lot more for.

Second, it allows you to decorate your home uniquely and use styles and methods that would otherwise be unavailable. A chance to mimic any style more cheaply and safely shouldn’t be downplayed. Also, a chance to continue your flooring alongside the walls is quite impressive, as well.