8 Things You May Not Know About Beaver Builder

beaver builder

Hunting for the best WordPress page builder to uplift the functionality of your site? Just add drag-and-drop fashion to your site to create and customize beautiful websites without any hassle.

Undoubtedly, page builders have been the talk for WordPress community these days. While these page builders are popular for a long time, but with the introduction of Beaver Builders, many developers are wondering how this plugin is relevant to the WordPress.

We’ll discuss all the things that you need to know about Beaver Builder and how you can leverage the best features of this WordPress plugin.

You must be curious to get started with the points that make Beaver Builder an outstanding page builder of WordPress. However, just in case, if you have accidentally landed at this post and never heard about Beaver Builder… let’s get started with a quick intro of Beaver Builder Plugin!

What is Beaver Builder?

It is one of the simplest and easiest page-builder that involves drag-and-drop flexibility to create a page layout. You can create and customize the front-end view of your site without ever touching a line of code. While it is fast and flexible and offers you vast options for page designing, you can easily tailor the user experience. No matter what size of your site is, Beaver Builder enables you to build anything from a single blog page to multiple website pages.

Beaver Builder

Of course, developers feel delighted to have Beaver Builder for crafting dynamic web pages, but don’t take our words for it. While it is tested and supported by the team of skilled developers, free to bloat and offers you an integrated set of tools, though we rated it #1 in reviews of page builders.

So what do you decide? What do you do next?

Beaver Builder not only meant to be simple to use but also make things easier for you. In this blog, we have rounded up some points that make you walkthrough on how to use Beaver Builder efficiently.

Fast forward to the tips for Beaver Builder that you need to know:

#1. Is Beaver Builder Free To Use for WordPress Site?

Oh Yes! In WordPress repository, beginners can easily find and install the Beaver Builder Lite version available to download for free. The free version plugin allows you to test drive the core functionality of the Beaver Builder’s and help you understand how it works to develop amazing page layouts in no time. By using basic modules and columns, you can design the layout of the page.

Beaver Builder Essentials

To get access to advanced modules and more features including template designs, shortcode, support, quick template import/export and more, you can switch to the premium version of the plugin.

#2. Will Beaver Builder Work With Multiple WordPress Themes?

Obviously yes! Whether you have just converted your site from PSD to WordPress or want to implement this plugin in your current WP theme, it comes into play in the content area of the theme. Many people use the plugin successfully with popular themes, including Genesis, Headway, GeneratePress, and so on.

While using Beaver Builder with your current WordPress theme, you need to make few adjustments to get the full-width display of Beaver Builder content. Sometimes while implementing the Beaver Builder to your WordPress site, the current theme CSS might be overlapping the content layout width. In that case, you can use further plugins for the quick fix.

#3. Is It Possible to Migrate Beaver Builder Pages To Another Website?

Absolutely yes! You can flawlessly transfer one or more page layout to another website by using the plugin. For the seamless migration of the Beaver Builder’s pages, you need to save a page as a template. Also, follow these simple tips while saving your page as a template.

  • Open your web page in the Beaver Builder mode.
  • Click on the “tools” in the top right options and then click “save template”.
  • Enter any name and click the “Save” button.
Beaver Builder Addons

Save the pages as a template that you want to migrate to different websites. Then use default WordPress import/export feature to migrate the saved templates. Once you import the images, you would need to upgrade images used in the templates, and all done.

#4. Does Beaver Builder Have Any Affiliate Program?

Of course! It provides all the necessary tools right from eye-catching banners to textual links in their affiliate program. In fact, the affiliate program offers you the set of tools that are optimized and designed for conversion.

If you are also interested in becoming a Beaver Builder affiliate partner, then tap on the available signup page. Once you signup the form, it reviews your application, and if all looks good, they will send you an approval email.

Once your application is approved, affiliates can start their marketing program right away.

#5. Is It Simple To Access Beaver Builder?

It is profoundly fast and straightforward to access. Users can easily go the extra mile with Beaver builder by getting Beaver Themer. With Beaver Themer, you can customize the entire WordPress site by dragging-and-dropping all the elements of the website. You can manage everything from creating headers, footers, and templates for blog posts, pages or products.

If you have any doubt, that how it will work and what features do they offer, then hire WordPress Development Company for the expert assistance.

6. Is There Any Chance To Build Responsive Site With Beaver Builder?

While building a web page, WordPress theme customization is far more comfortable with Beaver Builder!

This plugin allows you to develop a layout that looks equally good on multiple devices including tablets and smartphones. You can make further alterations to the spacings of the various elements for the further enhance the responsiveness of your site.

To make a responsive site with Beaver Builder, you can save the layout that you are working on globally. In simple words, it means, when you make changes in one location, it will be reflected in all other locations.

#7. What are the System Requirements of Beaver Builder?

Every plugin has its personality and limitation, though it does as. When it comes to building a content layout with Beaver, there are four supported browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • FireFox
  • Edge

And if we’ll talk about operating systems, iOS and Android are supporting for mid-size page layouts. However, for better performance and security reasons, we recommend you to use the latest version or premium version of WordPress.

8. Is Beaver Builder Better Than Other Page Builders?

Let’s dig a bit more dipper! For the last couple of years, the term “Page Builder” has been quickly taking the WordPress Website Development community by storm.

While everyone has different needs and expectations, though there is no single plugin that fits all, hence you got to try it to see for yourself, whether it meets your expectations or not.

According to my, it is a dam good for the WordPress development workflow. However, if you have any doubts, you can click on a quick online demo of the plugin or download the free version of Beaver Builder from the WordPress repository.

Ending Note

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading this post and gather all the useful information that you need to know to get started with the Beaver Builder.

And all these features of the Beaver Builder make it a top choice of WordPress Expert. No, you don’t need to trust our statements!

You can run a search on the internet for the best page builders; surely it is continuously at the top of the list. And this blog has mention why it deserves to be on top. In fact, users have found that the plugin delivers what it promises.

So what you are waiting for! Hire WordPress developer to built a great responsive site by dragging-and-dropping all the elements!