8 Tips On How To Improve Your Sleep Quality

kitten trying to sleep under blanket
kitten trying to sleep under blanket

Sleep quality affects more than just your morning productivity. It’s also crucial for your mental and physical well-being. This is why it’s so important to improve your quality of sleep in every possible way. If this is your goal and you aren’t sure where to begin, here are a few tips that might help you get the snoozing your deserve. 

Determine your ideal sleeping pattern

Peoples’ sleeping patterns are a lot more complicated than you might think. The recommended amount of sleep you should get is around eight hours, according to most research, but this tends to vary from person to person. Someone might feel completely refreshed after a solid six hours of sleep at night, while others need around nine to function the following day. It depends on factors like genetics and how busy you are in your day-to-day life.

Instead of taking these numbers to heart, you have to determine how much sleep you need on your own. After a night’s sleep, measure how long you slept and how it affected you. If you find that seven and a half hours is all you need, try to aim for this number every night. It’s going to go a long way towards improving your sleep quality.

Stick to a schedule

How much you sleep isn’t nearly as important as how consistent your sleep schedule is. Even if you get more than enough sleep at night, you might not feel rested unless it’s on a regular schedule.

If you have a designated time to go to sleep, stick to it. Your body prefers consistency over pure numbers. If it gets used to a certain sleep schedule, you should try your best to maintain it. You’ll find it a lot easier to wake up on time if you always time your sleep according to your schedule.

Take small naps

Sometimes, you just need a good nap to even things out. However, taking long naps is only going to leave you feeling lethargic. A quick nap can give you the reset you need after a hard day at work so that you can continue to function in a well-rested state.

After a while, your nap can turn into a short sleeping session, which isn’t going to help you feel refreshed. Aim to keep your naps at comfortable 20-minute intervals. Any longer than that and you might not enjoy them as much. Set an alarm, take a quick snooze, and you’ll be just fine for the rest of the day.

Avoid sleeping in

When the workweek is done, there’s no schedule to keep you up early, so you might as well sleep in for a while. It’s a reward well-earned, so why not partake in a little early morning relaxation?

The issue with sleeping in is that it messes up your sleep schedule. You’ll get a few extra hours of sleep that will then keep you up more at night. As we all know, sleeping in doesn’t really give you any more rest than your regular schedule. Instead, you just feel drowsy. If possible, avoid sleeping in and utilize your extra time to relax in other ways.

Spend more time outside

The sun is the best clock you can have, but it’s of no use if you aren’t exposed to it. Spending a little time outside will stimulate your mind and tell you to stay wide awake. When the night comes, your natural cycle will get you sleepy just when you need it.

You don’t have to be out too long, either. Walk your dog later in the day or tend to your garden and you’ll get all the sunlight you need. 

Sleep comfortably

Sleeping under the right kind of sheets is crucial for sleep quality. There’s a difference between covering yourself with cozy quilt covers and simply getting any old sheets to keep you warm. Better quality materials help you keep the bed at even and comfortable temperatures, meaning you’ll find it easier to fall asleep. 

Aim for natural materials like cotton and linen. They allow your sheets to breathe and better regulate temperature, while also absorbing sweat during the summer. 

Avoid screens before bedtime

Light emitted by phones, TVs, and tablets isn’t very good for your circadian rhythm. It creates a false sense of daytime and delays your natural need to fall asleep. Looking at these screens an hour before bedtime can and will make it harder for you to fall asleep.

It’s recommended that you avoid these gadgets late at night. Try to limit your exposure to them until around three hours before bedtime. A book or Kindle might be more apt for this time.

Unplug machines

TVs and computer monitors keep a few of their lights on even after they’ve been powered off. These lights might not seem significant, but they can slightly affect your sleep quality.

It would be best if you unplugged these machines before heading to sleep. This avoids the temptation to use them, while also saving a bit of power.


To get better sleep, you need comfortable sleeping conditions and a regular schedule. Apply some of the above tips to your sleep habits and you’ll find that your sleep will improve dramatically over a short time.