In a B2B industry, people have to deal with longer buying cycles and it takes a lot of efforts in order to maintain proper communication with the lead. Because of all these challenges and issues, email marketing has become an integral part of the B2B marketing strategy and no B2B company can survive without it.
B2B email marketing might be one of the most traditional forms of marketing since the advent of the internet but its effectiveness and response rate have only increased with time. And you will need a good email marketing strategy to make things work in your favour. But there is no one-size-fits-all type of mantra that will make your B2B email marketing strategy work like a magic wand for your company.
In the modern era, B2B marketers are realizing that there is a lot to learn from B2C email marketing campaigns when it comes to increasing engagement and creating enticing content. A successful B2B email marketing campaign will not only be about numbers and logics, but it will also be able to connect the prospect on an emotional level.
We’ve put together the latest B22B email marketing tactics for 2020 that can prove to be a game-changer for your overall marketing strategy.
Buyer persona
A buyer persona is basically the hypothetical representation of your impeccable customer. There are many characteristics included in the buyer persona like age, income, job profile, address, and preferred social media platforms. In the case of the B2B field, the buyer persona includes all the information that is relevant to the type of firm you are running.
There are two ways you can create a buyer persona. The first one is by getting in touch with your existing b2b email database or any other type of contact and ask them which type and size of the firm will be interested in buying your products. And the second way to create a buyer persona is to simply send a detailed survey to an existing b2b email database and gather as much information as possible.
Organically growing email list
You can make your email marketing strategy work in your favour even with a small b2b email database but you will need to be sure that all the emails in that database are relevant and genuinely interested in doing business with you.
If you will go on buying long email lists then you will hamper your potential customers as well because no one wishes to receive emails for which they have not signed up. Such type of approach can surely put in hot water and make your email marketing go astray.
In order to grow your email list organically, you can go back to your network, think of the people who will be interested in your product and service, and reach out to them. You can also create a sign-up form and optimize it for search engines.
Email design
The design chosen for any email campaign depends on the type of industry you are dealing with. The motorsports industry will surely need a different email design than that of the carpet industry. And since B2B is more professional, you will have to come up with meaningful email marketing design. Thankfully, you don’t need to be an editing expert in order to create an enticing and professional-looking email design.
You can simply subscribe to the email list of other players in your industry and see which type of design they are using since every innovation is inspired by an existing concept. Along with this, you can also take help from industry magazines and analyze their design to know which type of tone and colour combination can work for your firm.
Careful execution of cold emails
Cold emails are surely one of the most controversial email marketing strategies and this is why you will need to be extra careful while using it for your B2B company. But never restrict yourself from using cold emails based on b2b marketing data lists just because of some minor challenges as the rewards of cold emails are surely enticing.
You will need to ensure that the people whom you are sending the cold emails based on b2b marketing data lists are not a far cry from your buyer persona. This will include the job role of the recipient and their business. If you will send emails to the HR department while trying to sell accounting software then you will surely return barehanded.
Customer segmentation
Customer segmentation for both B2B and B2C companies are identical. If you are planning to send the same content to everyone by using the one-size-fits-all approach then you need to drop this idea and segment your customers in order to make your email more relevant and targeted.
The only difference between B2B and B2C companies in terms of customer segmentation will be the type of segment created by the firm. And in order to create an ideal segment, you will need to look at buyer persona and take advantage of your existing data as well. With proper segmentation, you will witness an increase in response rate as well.
Email marketing can work like a magic wand for any B2B company but there are many aspects that need to be covered in order to create an impeccable B2B email marketing campaign based on b2b marketing data lists. Go through the above-mentioned email marketing tactics and make the email list work in your favour.