Dr. S Arani’s One Session 3-Step Micro Surgical Destruction (BCR™) is extremely popular
Los Angeles, USA – Dr. S. Arani, head of California based HPV Clinic and an expert in treating sexually transmitted diseases, specifically patients suffering from genital warts offers One Session 3-Step Micro Surgical Destruction BCR™ method that is virtually bloodless, painless and offers the best cosmetic outcome, one of the most significant factors in this treatment. Usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), it is the most common sexually transmitted disease in America.
Dr. Arani’s treatment is gaining worldwide popularity as it offers impressive benefits such as no irritation or scarring of the skin, the minimum chance of recurrence, the surgical procedure is painless, bloodless and offers considerably quick recovery compared to other available treatments in the market. In the technique, Microsurgical instruments are utilized for removal followed by two additional destruction steps to eliminate the growth permanently. The doctor uses different diagnostic tools such as filtered light, microscope or macroscope to ensure no warts are left unidentified.
What Are Genital Warts?
Genital warts are lesions that manifest as growths of the skin or mucous membranes, mainly located on the external genitals and around the anus.
Genital warts are caused by some types of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), the same pathogen involved in the formation of warts in the feet and other anatomical sites. The infection is transmitted mainly, but not exclusively, through sexual intercourse.
What Are the Causes of Genital Warts?
Genital warts are caused by certain genotypes of the human papilloma virus, including HPV 6 and 11, which are at low oncogenic risk. This means that, although the causative agent is HPV, the subtypes responsible for genital warts rarely demonstrate potential neoplastic evolution.
Genital Warts: After How Long Do They Get From Infection?
The incubation period is usually between one and six months, after which genital warts make their onset. In most cases, the infection goes away in a short time; at other times, HPV stays in the cells for a long time.
It should be noted that some individuals do not contract human papillomavirus genital infection, probably due to a highly effective immune system. The probabilities of transmission of genital warts from an infected to an uninfected partner are not known with certainty, just as the duration of contagiousness is not known.
Genital Warts: Risk Factors
Factors that can promote the onset of genital warts include:
- Immune deficiencies : although they do not favor particular categories of people, immunosuppression and the concomitant presence of other diseases capable of weakening the immune system can increase the risk of contracting genital warts;
- Use of cortisone , especially local ones;
- Pregnancies: These lesions can grow to a considerable size during gestation.
- Given that genital warts are particularly contagious, special attention should be paid to hygienic prevention. Cockscombs spread more easily in conditions of high humidity and are more common in cases of increased vaginal discharge, such as in the case of vaginal candidiasis.
- Since transmission is predominantly sexual, important risk factors are:
- Number of sexual partners: Promiscuity increases the risk of contracting genital warts. It should be noted, then, that many subjects are contagious even without knowing it, as carriers of the virus or suffering from an asymptomatic form of the disease;
- Failure to use a condom during intercourse (note: although the rules of safe sex are always valid, the effectiveness of the condom is not absolute, as genital warts can also be contracted through contact with areas not covered by the device).
The human papillomaviruses can cause several types of warts ranging from low risk to high risk that can cause ulcerations, large growth, cancer, in some cases hence, it is imperative to get the treatment early on. Home remedies, and other treatments including cryotherapy, creams, cautery or laser, are available but with heavy recurrence rates, which can have an adverse effect on a patient’s mental health.
With Dr. Arani’s treatment of genital warts and anal warts surgery, patients stand to benefit from the use of cutting-edge technology that offers the best cosmetic outcome in the first go. With HPV, the first treatment is most important for a desirable outcome; repeat treatments tend to result in less optimal cosmetic results.
About Dr. S. Arani
Dr. S. Arani is a top physician in diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted diseases and a published author, heading the most comprehensive center to treat HPV warts in the USA called Warts Clinic, located in California. His innovative approach of One Session 3-Step Micro Surgical Destruction (BCR™) comes from his years of experience exclusively treating HPV warts. He is a graduate from RUSM with an MD degree followed by medical graduate clinical training at the prestigious Mayo Clinic Hospital and Maricopa Medical Center in Arizona.