Corporate Photography: 7 Reasons Why Any Business Needs Professional Photos

Before they start doing business with you, people will look for any potential clue of your professionalism. Sometimes, the packaging of your products or even the design of your website may persuade them that you’re not worth their time and money. So, in order to make conversions, you need to invest in quality. Hiring a professional photographer to take photos of your products, staff members, headquarters or just buying quality photos for your content may make a difference. Here are seven reasons why professional photos are important for your enterprise.

Visual information is absorbed faster

There’s a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. While some may have believed this to be a figure of speech or a hyperbole, according to recent finds, the statement itself may be a gross understatement. You see, people receive visual information 60,000 times faster than any verbal info. About 90% of all information, we receive about the world around us, we get through visual means. In other words, if you want to send a message, using photography can help you make this a lot easier. Finding an appropriate photo, nonetheless, won’t always be a possibility. Sometimes, you would have to have it custom-made.

Enhancing your content marketing

Your blog posts will be far more effective when they get a quality, thematically-appropriate photo attached to them. A lot of people prefer skimming to actually reading posts and appropriate photos will make this easier. If they recognize the theme of the post because of the photo, they are more likely to linger a bit longer. This will reduce the bounce rate of the site. Now, while you can, technically, buy stock photography, the effect is nowhere near as good. Stock images are often generic and may result in you getting a reputation of a business that takes the easy way out.

Humanizing your business

The easiest way to humanize your business is to show your potential customers what your staff looks like. For instance, on your About Us page, you can add a couple of photos of your staff. According to experts behind C.I.A. Studio, you can even create an entire section with corporate headshots. This way, it becomes a lot easier for a potential customer to see your enterprise as a collection of individuals rather than just one more faceless corporate entity. Keep in mind that corporate photography isn’t that simple to make and that hiring experts skilled in this technique may be of immense help.

Great for categories

The biggest downside of selling or even advertising items online is the fact that your buyers can’t inspect them in-person. Quality photos can help you overcome this quite easily. For instance, the only way to make a decent e-commerce categories system is to add an image of every single product. Seeing as how this is a vital piece of information for your buyers, these categories need to have high-quality images. Also, these images should be taken from all sides in order to provide your audience with complete visual information.

Keeping up

Your audience is using a plethora of devices in order to access your business in the digital world. This is why it is a priority that your site is loading fast and that your images are optimized for all these devices. The first problem can be partially solved by switching to a reliable VPS hosting option. As for the latter, professional photography can provide you with a high level of quality for the size and resolution in question. The great thing about this two-step process lies in the fact that the first part prevents the loss of profit, while the latter also enhances your profit. This means that the benefit is double-fold, as well.

Brand representation

Previously, we’ve mentioned that stock photography may be useful for your content marketing but you can’t always rely on it. In order to make an adequate brand representation, you need to make this photography custom-made. One of the things we’ve mentioned as a major drawback of stock images is the fact that they look quite generic. This would make you blend in with the rest of the industry, which is the last thing you want. In order to make yourself unique and provide your brand with some relevant and recognizable visual markings, you may need the services of a professional photographer.

Standing out amongst the competition

Lastly, while taking professional photos is a no-brainer, you need to understand that this won’t be the case with all your competitors. Some of them will stick to the cheaper option of stock photography, which will give you an opportunity to outcompete them. Others will hire professional photographers, which means that you need to do the same in order not to get outcompeted. Regardless of your point of view, in order to stay competitive in your industry, you need to invest in professional photography. It’s that simple.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, quality visuals are a reward on their own. They increase customer loyalty, boost customer experience and portray your enterprise as a professional, as well as reliable. In other words, the benefits are too numerous for the idea to be too easily discarded. Moreover, this idea won’t occupy that big of a part of your digital marketing budget. All in all, it’s a solid idea and an opportunity that you can’t afford to miss out on.