The NTR Housing Scheme was launched by the Andhra Pradesh Government in the year 2016. The program comes under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), which was launched on 25th June 2015. As per the latest updates regarding the scheme, the government has recently sanctioned over 1.2 Lakh houses in local urban areas of Andhra Pradesh. The state government aims to further develop 10 Lakh houses for the rural poor.
The NTR scheme works with the objective – ‘housing for all’. It also helps beneficiaries avail provides affordable home loan to the underprivileged section in both urban as well as rural areas of the state. These housing loans are disbursed by several financial institutions as directed by the government.
The scheme also has some special features. Houses built under this scheme are equipped with advanced appliances which help in conserving energy.
These are –
- 50W ceiling fans
- 20W LED tube lights
- 9W LED bulbs
- LED streetlights in adjacent areas
Affordability being one of the key benefits in the PMAY scheme, the unit cost of houses under the AP NTR housing scheme are set as follows –
- Rs. 7.71 Lakh for 430 square feet.
- Rs. 6.74 Lakh for 365 square feet.
- Rs. 5.62 for 300 square feet.
However, to enjoy any of the above benefits, an individual has to first meet the eligibility criteria as held mandatory by the authorities. To be eligible to avail low home loan interest rate under NTR scheme, he or she must –
- Be a resident of Andhra Pradesh.
- Own a BPL (Below Poverty Level) card or white ration card
- Not own a house under any other government scheme
You will have to provide the necessary documents to be eligible for PMAY and the NTR scheme.
Documents required to prove eligibility under NTR scheme
You need to submit the following documents to qualify NTR Nagar Housing Scheme –
- Proof of identity (Aadhaar card and voter ID card or driving license)
- Proof of current residential address- Documents proving the authenticity of your permanent and present address.
- Proof of income – Any document stating the nature of work and amount of income. You will also have to submit proof of family income along with their age proofs.
- Bank account details – Account number and branch name of the bank you hold the account under.
- Housing details – You have to provide information about the size of your current house — also, the size of the home and the number of rooms you require in the new house.
Registration process under the NTR housing scheme
Under the NTR scheme, you can avail an affordable home loan in Nellore as well. However, successful registration is necessary for approval. The step-by-step process of applying under the Govt Housing Schemes in NTR Nagar is provided here-
Step 1 – Visit the official website of the PMAY.
Step 2 – Log in to the page by filling in your credentials.
Step 3 – Choose the option ‘Citizen Assessment’.
Step 4 – Select any one between ‘For slum dwellers’ and ‘Benefits under other 3 components’, as applicable.
Step 5 – Fill in the Aadhaar details.
Step 6 – After the successful verification, the application page will show up.
Step 7 – Fill up the application form with correct details.
Step 8 – Type the captcha code.
Step 9 – Click on the option ‘Save’.
You will receive a confirmation through email or post after the successful verification of all details.
Under the NTR Housing scheme, houses have been built in about 9835 villages and were inaugurated on 2nd October. The Andhra Pradesh government celebrates this day as the NTR Housing Nutan Gruha Pravesh Mahostvam.