You may have heard that it is bad to go over speed bumps fast, but how can that possibly be true?
A speed bump is designed to slow vehicles down, and hitting one at speed is like hitting a hammer against the car.
Even though cars are made to take a lot of abuse while driving, frequent hard hits are bad for the parts. Going over speed bumps at a slow pace is kinder to a car’s parts.
Is it bad to go over speed bumps fast?
Despite what many people think, going over speed bumps fast is not necessarily bad. There are several reasons why it’s bad to drive over speed bumps.
First of all, it’s not a good idea for pedestrians, so you should slow down as much as possible. You may be surprised to learn that speed bumps can damage your car.
If you’re not careful, you could cause major damage to your tires, steering, and exhaust system.
- Car body damage
Secondly, speed bumps can damage your car. They can damage tires and suspension components, which can result in costly repairs later.
Also, if you hit a speed bump at a high enough rate, you can cause significant damage to your vehicle. If you don’t pay attention to speed bumps, you could cause damage to your vehicle.
It’s also not a good idea to go over a speed-bump at high speeds, as this can lead to a collision.
2. Damage on tires
Going over speed bumps at high speeds will ruin your tires. They will push out from under you and cause you to lose contact with the road. Your tires won’t be able to absorb the impact of these jolts. You’ll end up with a ruined vehicle! And if you’re without skid plates, you’re more susceptible to damage to these parts.
3. Affected suspension
In addition to causing damage to your vehicle, it can also lead to a damaged suspension. In fact, a broken shock can cause your tires to lose contact with the road, and this can compromise the safety of your vehicle.
This can result in a lowered car, so it’s better to avoid hitting a bump as fast as possible. This is especially true when you’re not in a hurry.
It’s all good if you go over a speed bump carefully
When going over a speed bump, you have to be very careful. Aside from damaging your car, you can also endanger other drivers and pedestrians.
That’s why it’s important to avoid bumps at all costs. This way, you’ll avoid causing an accident or a blowout. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up with a smashed front end or damaged tire.
It’s not a bad idea to go over a speed bump quickly. But there’s more to it than that. A speed bump can cause damage to your car. This is why it’s important to slow down and crawl over it carefully.
It is also important to check your vehicle’s suspension and check for any loose parts. If you find it’s not properly aligned, you might have to change your wheel alignment.
Be aware of the speed bumps
When driving on a road, it’s important to be aware of the speed bumps. They have the same function as speed-bump warning signs, but if you don’t know what to do, you might be causing an accident.
The RAC says it is unsafe to drive over a speed bump. By following the instructions on the signs, you can safely drive over a slowed-down speed bump.
Moreover, speed bumps cause damage to cars. When you hit them at a fast pace, the suspension won’t be able to protect your car properly.
Nevertheless, a healthy shock absorber is a good thing. The more your shocks are in good condition, the safer your car will be. If you hit a speed bump in a fast way, your tires will be damaged.