How Best Can You Clean a Silicone Nectar Collector?

Do you love smoking dabs? One of the finest tools you like using is the nectar collector. Many people adore this equipment but find it hard to clean due to its complex shape. Though small in size, it has numerous impenetrable parts that make it hard to clean.

The resilience of this equipment depends on how well you wash it. The more it stays clean, the longer it will last. Cleanliness is paramount for a fresh dabbing. If the flavor of your concentrates no longer tastes as it used to be, know that it is time to clean your collector. If you always struggle to clean your silicone nectar collector, worry no more. Below we provide you a complete guide for getting that equipment as clean as it should be:

Best way to clean

The first step towards efficiently cleaning your silicone nectar collector is understanding the basic cleaning requirements, materials, and procedures. The best way to clean is by choosing the right cleaning solution. It should be a saline solution with an Isopropyl alcohol concentration of 91% and above. The first step is to ensure that you have the right materials in place. You will need to assemble the following items;

• Enough water
• Salt
• Isopropyl alcohol
• Paper wipes
• Vessels or bowls
• Tube cleaners
• A Quality-tip (Q-tip) swab for cleaning the tip

Actual cleaning steps are as follows:

  1. Dismantle the equipment

    It is crucial to isolate the pieces before you begin the cleaning process. This will allow you to clean each piece separately, access any dirt trapped on the insides, and prevent any damages throughout the cleaning process.
  2. Prepare the solution and fill the vessels
    Get hold of the alcohol solution and pour it into the cleaning containers. Add the sea salt and mix gently. If there is tough dirt in the insides, pour some salt through the holes into those places to loosen up the dirt.
  3. Let it soak
    You need to soak the tool in the solution for about 30 minutes to one hour for proper cleaning. It is even better if you can immerse the pieces in the solution for more extended periods. This will allow the solution enough time to remove rid all the dirt stuck in your rig.
  4. Rinse off the kit
    When you ascertain that all the dirt has come off, rinse off your silicon nectar collector with enough running water. The water should be at room temperature to ensure the glass does not break or fracture.
  5. Use tube cleaners to access tough spots
    At this point, you can use the tube cleaners or Q-tips to remove the extra dirt that is still resting on the pieces. You can even soak the kit once again as you scrub with the pipe cleaners.
  6. Rinse again and let it dry
    Once you are through with the cleaning, rinse the collector to wash off any particles and alcohol. Use running water to ensure a thorough wash off. Then let it dry completely.
  7. Assemble the kit
    When the equipment is clean and dry, reassemble all the pieces together, and enjoy your tool again.

    You do not want to stay with a nectar collector that is filthy. It will destroy the flavor of your concentrates and may not be suitable for your health. It is advisable to follow these steps for better cleaning. Do it after every three to six months, and it will be safe to use.