How to Create an Effective SEO Keyword Strategy

Did you know that only 0.16% of popular keywords produce nearly 61% of all online searches?

Ninety-two percent of keywords receive ten monthly searches or less. The majority of searches consist of four or more words. Yet implementing the wrong SEO keyword strategy means missing out on 93% of global traffic.

If your website lists poorly in Google Search it’s time to evaluate your approach to keyword search phrases.

This article offers tips on how to choose SEO keywords to push your site to the top of Google. Read on to learn how to conduct keyword research and implement a strategy that works.

SEO Basics

Search engine optimization or SEO means ensuring your web pages match Google’s guidelines to rank high on Google Search.

As the global leading search engine, Google expects your site to provide a great user experience. That includes matching queries or keywords to the content on your site.

However, don’t spam your pages by pasting phrases over and over.

Google expects keywords to flow naturally and remain in context. Copy should be written for humans first and offer something valuable for users to read.

The question is, what keywords should you add and where do you go to find them?

SEO Keyword Strategy

A keyword strategy involves researching your target market and the keywords they use.

Many site owners skip the first part and assume they know their customers. That might be true for an existing offline store but online behaviors are often very different. Tied with that are the search phrases they use, many of which you might not have considered.

Thankfully a range of keyword research tools exists to help you cross-reference real-world data.

Google’s Keyword Planner is a great place to start. It’s free to use when you sign-up for the Google Ads platform and provides a timeline of keyword usage for the period you choose.

Keyword Research SEO Tips

If this is the first time you’ve heard of SEO keywords then read the following tips.

Each forms part of a solid strategy that aims to bring in targeted traffic. ‘Targeted’ is important as you don’t want lots of visitors who won’t convert to a sale or lead.

  1. Identify Your Target Market
  2. Set SMART Goals
  3. Research Your Competitors

Implement your strategy by building several customer personas. Consider things like demographics, education levels, interests, and disposable incomes.

Small businesses should target at least five personas. That way content and keywords will match at least one user group.

SMART Keyword Research

SMART marketing stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Always make your goals align with these principles. For example, you want to increase organic search referrals by 15% over the next 3 months. After this period you’ll review your keywords and adjust them accordingly.

Don’t forget to study your competition through competitor research analysis.

Moz offers a free template for you to download. Use it to record data from their Domain Analysis tool and help shape your digital marketing strategy.

SEO for Beginners at Scoop Article

The right SEO keyword strategy will see your website rank higher on Google search and attract new visitors.

That process begins with identifying your audience and conducting keyword research. Tools like Keyword Planner help to identify high-converting search phrases. Implement them with fresh content that’s optimized for Google and you’ll see big results.

Remember to check out our other articles on search engine optimization in our Web Design archives.

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