Makoo is a real estate tracer that will help you find a good deal. With valuable information on real estate property for sale in Spain, you can find out everything before you get started. The price movements and all the information for a buyer are present. Thanks to Makoo, you will be able to save money and try to find a good deal by studying your market. Let’s find out how in detail.

Check the property prices of a municipality with Makoo
To ensure that a real estate ad respects market prices, you will be able to compare prices with Makoo. To find out more, you must go to the “Search” tab and then to the “Property for sale in Spain”. The Makoo web site provides information on the history of an ad and tells you if it is a good deal. If you are looking for arguments to negotiate, this section provides valuable information. Even if you have no real estate knowledge, you can make a purchase at the best price based on this summary.
Among the important information, you will find the prices of the sector. The average value will be given to you on Makoo for houses as well as for apartments. If you are looking for land or Property for Sale in Spain, you will be able to find information. You will, therefore, know with certainty whether you will be able to find the house or apartment in the targeted sector without the property being overpriced.
Price trends to watch for a good deal
Makoo allows knowing the evolution of the prices over the last months or the last weeks. Over the past twelve months, this indication lets you know at a glance whether the property spotted is above the market price or not. You can check live if the seller’s estimate is good. When the property exceeds this average, you will know that it is overestimated. Either you will focus on other real estates, or you use this to achieve a good negotiation.
Makoo is a very interesting web site because it gives you an average price for the town. You will more easily locate the property for sale in Spain you want to buy compared to all existing offers. Updated regularly, this information has significant reliability for the buyer.
A bargain ranking with Makoo
If you want to make a real estate purchase at the best price, Makoo finds for you the best deals of the moment. Indeed, when the price per square meter of a house or an apartment is lower than the average observed for all the real estate of the municipality, it will classify them among the good deals. Of course, you will then need to visit them to understand why these low prices exist. This initial information will guide you in your research, saving you precious time.

The history of the real estate ad
For each municipality, you can go into detail and find additional information. The Makoo history allows you to know the date on which the property was published, the base price and the successive decreases made by the seller.
The price differences are displayed as well as the percentage of decline so that you can represent your room for maneuver for negotiation. A direct link to the advertiser’s site allows you to discover the property concerned and to examine its characteristics.
Conclusion for sellers: use Makoo to find the right deal
I see more and more buyers who use Makoo to find the right deal. If you get the pricing strategy wrong from the start you can end up in sold goods. You have to start from the principle that if you display your property 10% above the market price, the announcement will almost not trigger calls. This is particularly problematic because no one will buy your property and it may wear out on the internet. Indeed, if your real estate ad stays on the web for a long time, it returns an unsold image and loses its attractiveness from month to month.
Faced with this, the market reacts in two ways: either it will not contact you because no one wants to visit a property that refers to distrust, or it will contact you but it will assume that you are in a hurry and it will make you certainly a strong negotiation. I therefore invite you to display your property from the start of your real estate project within the range of your market. You will certainly sell faster and more expensive than if you had gone above because the wear phenomenon is devastating. If Makoo can help find a good deal for the buyer, for you as a seller I advise you to be careful not to tip into used goods.