Are you looking for Islamic calligraphy for sale, in particular, Islamic calligraphy art canvas? Let us first begin to understand what is Islamic calligraphy, and then we can talk about Islamic calligraphy art canvas.

Islamic calligraphy is the art of writing the verses of the Holy Quran in a stylish Arabic fonts. This form of art took off as the religion of Islam forbids the imagery of human beings, animals and birds. Which meant that the only way for artists such as calligraphers to express their creativity was to write text in a beautiful form. And when the source of that text is the Holy Quran itself, calligraphy also became a way for an artist to express his belief or faith. It is this expression of belief that you see in the Islamic calligraphy on the buildings and monuments built by Muslim rulers.

You see this expression of faith in Muslim homes too. Most Muslim homes have a wall frame in which verses of the Holy Quran are written. Traditionally this wall art would have a black background on which the text would be in golden. This golden-black combination has no religious significance, though the inspiration for it comes from the black cloth covering the Kaaba. The black cloth has a golden band of calligraphy around it. Other ways in which Muslims would put up Islamic wall art in their homes would be the handcrafted wall carpets of Turkey, Iran or Kashmir. These wall carpets are densely filled with floral motifs while at the centre is diligently-stitched Islamic calligraphy.

In the current era, digital technology has made possible the use of new mediums and materials in Islamic calligraphy art. One of these materials is canvas.

If one knows how to paint, one can directly do calligraphy on the canvas. But that would again be a time-taking process and not easy to produce in mass quantities at a fast and low rate.

So, for the sake of fast and mass production and affordability, handwritten calligraphy is digitised in order that it can be coloured and sharpened, and even resized. This digitised handwritten calligraphy work can then be printed on canvas.

After the Arabic calligraphy itself, the aspect to note in Islamic calligraphy art canvas is the use of colours. Colours are important in home décor as they add brightness to our spaces, and give further heft to our tastes. These days, at least one wall in a room is not plain white.

In Islamic calligraphy art canvas, the colours of the background and text contrast each other in order to bring focus to the text – because in Islamic calligraphy, the text is paramount, the colours are only add-ons to the calligraphy. Even if multiple colours are used, effort is made for the text to stand out.

So, now if you are looking for Islamic calligraphy for sale, you can look at not just the traditional handcrafted wall carpets or golden-black wall art frames, but also calligraphic works that have been digitally printed on canvas.