Living – inanimate
The host said that children with live and turbulent mixed objects reacted only to “life” in the choir, but remained silent about “lifeless”. The worst kind wins.
The children move toward the leader’s hand. If he speaks in all directions, everyone will run away. After hearing the speech, “these people have strict orders, they all know it”, they run and build in a new direction. The latter is considered a loser.
Find the colour
The children stand in a circle, instruct the coordinator and touch coloured objects. The loser is the last person to come in contact with the right thing. He is not in the game.
All the children are fish and one of them is a predator. When the adult called a “boat,” the fish hid near a wall and precipitated the “storm” against another wall. When the word “predator” got away, the predator found himself and started running.
Rules. The players form a circle. The host informs everyone: “Everyone has an MPS and everyone has their own specificity. Your goal is to know that.” To that end, players take turns to ask the host for their MPS and must answer explicitly “Yes” or “No” Play the game until the player guesses that ISU is my real neighbour.
The number of participants ranges from 9 to 40.
Rules. The players sat down to meet. Everyone closed their eyes. The host moves between the players and hits three or four “killers”. Then all the eyes opened and the game started. The goal of “Killer” is to “kill” all players. The killers are players who meet the “killer” and watch the “killer” flash. The game’s “killer”. Usually, the player’s goal is to stop all killers. If anyone doubts the killer, they reach out and say, “Support!” (Now the killer can kill him). As long as someone raises their hand to say “I support,” those seeking support will be sceptical. If he is right, the killer stops the game, otherwise the two voters will give up the game. The game continues until the “killer” or “honest man” finally wins. Indeed, one of the best and interesting indoor games for kids.
In the intellectual version of the game, the “murderers” know each other (the “honest people” keep their eyes closed, and the “killer” opens their eyes and looks at each other). In such games, the killer can also raise his hand and ask for his support to blame another killer and avoid any doubt.
The leaders whistle, inform the blind spots and change direction. If you focus on sound, look for adults.
Children gather small things in one place. Choose to be one of the players at the back of the object. The facilitator pointed to one of them and asked, “Who should this article belong to?” All the participants saw the topic, but one of them stood in the back and did not know what topic the leader was pointing to. The player’s job is to award a “fine” that the owner of the item must perform to exchange the item.
Through the hoop
On the one hand, the athlete holds a rocket with a ping pong ball, on the other hand, he holds a gymnastic brace. The player’s task is to make the curve from top to bottom and then from bottom to top without losing the ball. They play in pairs. The winner is the one who finishes the task faster.
Arithmetic cubes
For the game, you need 3 dice. Each time they throw 3 times. If the numbers look the same, add them up (for example, 3, 5, and 3 falls, and the sum is 3 + 3 = 6; if all the different numbers have disappeared, assume that 5, 2, and 3 are not taken into account). If the three numbers after the next roll are the same (as 4.4 and 4), the sum of these numbers will also double. The winner is the one who gets the most three throws.
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The player must find and restore all the layers in the room. The wash buttons can be different: plastic, wood, tinted, transparent, old, new. The most important principle: the more, the better. The players are divided into pairs. Some people have contacted the cleaning button. The task is simple. One child was blindfolded. The bedding is attached to the partner’s clothes. And hang clothes, not the kid himself. Where do they fix it? Players must not interfere in this process. Next comes the player’s blindfolded action. Its task is to find all the cleaning buttons on the drive and remove them as soon as possible.
Funny pictures
Develop a visual memory game. Ask your child to think of each of the 10 photos that represent a familiar object. Then ask the baby to name the things he remembers. The number of things your child remembers is important. Show the child photos that he did not mention. Try again in ten minutes. We recommend that you remember all the photos within an hour.
Get the town
The candidates took five socks and five socks. Their hands are behind their backs (holding the wrist with the other in one hand). He must squat without leaving his position and not touch the ground with his hands to lift the city (washing machine, cube, hump, etc.) behind his legs. The winner is the person who has succeeded more than 3 times in 3 attempts.
Find a bunny
You need a clean handkerchief to play. You have to take him to both corners, look at him from both sides and ask him, “Where’s our rabbit? Where did he run away from?” Then, tie the ends of the scarf to make them look like rabbit ears. And then he said, “It’s a rabbit! Where’s his tail?” “At the other end of the scarf, tie a small tail,” That’s the tail! We cherish.
Spoiled farce
Participants are in line. The last participant signed a photo on the back of the person sitting in front of him. The player receiving the message must repeat the message as carefully as possible behind the person sitting in front. After receiving the message, the first consecutive player signs the paper. By then comparing the drawings of the first and last players, the fax participant was unable to identify which participant in the game. All players must change positions before the next round.
Various symbols (dollar, euro, ampersand, copyright) can be used as graphics, geometric figures, letters and small words.
It is recommended to start the game with simple geometry. To make the game more dynamic, you can prepare drawings of the game participants in advance.
You can keep the team version of the game – all participants are divided into teams of 5 to 8 people and submit drawings at the same time. The winner is the team whose last move is close to the original drawing.