Lung Cancer Treatment: Know the popular procedures

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The lung is an important organ in the human body whose function is to help us to breathe. But like any other organ in the body, our lungs are also prone to contracting diseases, of which lung cancer is considered to be a fatal one. Among all types of cancer present, this one is said to be responsible for maximum number of deaths all over the world. Fortunately, there is present treatment to cure this ailment. But this needs to be done by the best cancer specialist in India and during the earlier stages. 

Availing treatment

The most appropriate treatment type depends entirely upon the cancer’s nature and stage, when it has been diagnosed. How well the treatment is given, entirely depends upon the expertise and experience of the specialist in the domain. 

Some popular methods followed to treat lung cancer along with some common side effects

  • Surgical remedy: One common way to treat lung cancer is by surgery. It involves, tumour being removed with the lung’s affected portion. This procedure is commonly prescribed by the medical experts and its feasibility mainly depends upon the cancer stage that the patient is suffering from. but if cancer is noticed to have spread to various parts of the body, then surgery is perhaps not recommended. The surgery type is determined by lung tissue size that needs to be removed, a procedure referred to as Wedge Resection. In this procedure, a small portion of the lung is removed. Bilobectomy or Lobectomy is the elimination of entire lobe from the lung. But in some extreme cases, there may be an urgent need to remove the whole lung, the procedure of which is known as Pneumonectomy. Video assisted Thoracoscopic surgery or VATS (small incision) and Thoractomy (large incision) are used mainly to provide lung cancer surgery. It side effects tend to include some surgery related complications leading to experiencing pain. 
  • Chemotherapy: It is quite similar to that of radiation therapy. In this procedure, cancerous cells are destroyed. Instead of radiation, there are used special drugs, which get administered through intravenous lines or tablets. But chemotherapy also comes with the risk of destroying healthy cells in the process, thereby causing side effects such as fatigue, hair loss, appetite loss, etc. Presently, chemotherapy is getting replaced with that of targeted therapy, considered to be more accurate in its targeting and attacking cancerous cells. 
  • Radiation therapy: This procedure is used mainly in three cases. Prior to performing surgery, this therapy is used for shrinking size of the tumour, while rest of the cancer cells while might remain after surgery gets destroyed. Sometimes, the therapy may also form the primary cancer treatment method. It is used as primary treatment in cases, where cancer is found to be spread to the different far-off parts of the body. Radiations are administered either from within the tumour or outside the body. However, this therapy comes with some complications and side effects like tiredness, pain, nausea, sore throat, skin reactions, etc. Usually reactions to the therapy are fast and the experts can best manage the side effects. 
  • Complimentary therapies: There are a good number of patients who are recommended to undergo complementary therapies along with their routine treatment regime. There are suggested various types of techniques such as Ayurveda, Therapeutic touch, yoga, meditation, etc. Practicing them regularly is found to reduce the effects of all types of side effects as well as offer immense relief to the patient. But before doing any exercise or therapy, it will be necessary to first consult the lung specialist to know if it is doable or not. 


The fact is that lung cancer is fatal and is likely to take a toll on the patient’s mental health as well as that of his/her family. It will be wise to consult the top 10 oncologist in India who can diagnose the issue and accordingly provide the very best treatment available. These specialists also can be found to be tied up with some reputed hospitals that boast of having the latest and the most modern infrastructure and resources required to offer top quality treatment. Doing some research can help to find the best specialist in the domain.