Principles when taking care of oily skin acne

Keep clean for oily skin

To reduce acne, you must first destroy the acne-causing bacteria. Keeping your face clean is the best way to remove accumulated dirt and keep your skin dry. Dirt causes clogged pores and from there, the formation of acne bacteria. In addition to maintaining washing your face twice a day (morning and night), make sure to exfoliate 1-2 times a week to give new skin a chance to continuously regenerate. With or without makeup, use a makeup remover at the end of the day.

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Provide enough water for acne-prone skin

Lack of moisture on the face is the reason why the skin produces more oil. Our skin will automatically produce oil to maintain moisture for facial skin when they are too dry and tight. Oil on the skin exposed to dirt from the external environment will increase acne. If you want to fix it, you should provide enough moisture for your face, such as using moisturizing products and drinking lots of water. Moisturizing is enough to increase elasticity, shine, and smoothness of the skin.

Use products with the right pH for acne-prone skin

A pH that is too low or too high creates favorable conditions for acne-causing bacteria. Should use skin care products with a reasonable pH for acne skin so that the skin is not too dry and tight. Prioritize choosing alcohol-free products, especially using gel cleansers so as not to cause much foam for this sensitive acne skin.

Apply for acne medicine

For mild and moderate acne cases, topical creams should be used to treat acne. Prioritize products with ingredients extracted from nature such as tea tree, and green tea to help fight inflammation, and antibacterial. As for severe acne skin, oral drugs should be used to allow them to penetrate the body’s organs such as the liver filter function, cooling the liver to eliminate the acne-causing bacteria.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Daily habits and a healthy lifestyle will affect 80% of the improvement of acne skin. Limit foods that contain a lot of fat such as fast food or use stimulant drinks such as tea, coffee, and alcohol. When eating fried foods, the skin stimulates the secretion of more oil. Add enough vegetables to your body to get enough vitamins and minerals. Maintain early sleep and get enough sleep for 8 hours a day to create opportunities for the excretory system to eliminate. 

Daily care for oily skin

Careful acne-prone skin care not only reduces acne-causing conditions but also helps brighten and radiant skin. However, if you have acne-prone skin, you should visit a dermatology center to give appropriate treatment. Do not arbitrarily inject acne or use too much topical medication. Most topical medications contain substances that reduce oil production, which can dry out the skin and even make acne worse. Regular skin care and minimal skin care products help acne skin mild, and clear but still ensure clean hygiene care. This helps acne-prone skin to be significantly improved.

Things to keep in mind when taking care of oily acne-prone skin

In addition to the acne skin care steps mentioned above, you also need to note the following factors to maintain healthy skin and prevent acne from returning effectively:

  • Limit makeup if possible: Oily acne-prone skin is easily irritated, making acne worse. Therefore, in the process of care, you should limit makeup or minimize steps to keep the skin surface dry, avoiding the risk of clogging pores or causing skin irritation due to cosmetics.
  • Do not squeeze pimples with your hand : Squeezing pimples directly with your hands increases the risk of bacteria coming into contact with irritating acne spots. If possible, you should go to reputable dermatology centers to squeeze the acne or use specialized tools that have been thoroughly disinfected.
  • Practice moderate living habits: To prevent acne from returning, you should pay attention to practicing for yourself the habit of getting enough sleep, eating the right meals, being rich in nutrition, and exercising regularly. These will contribute to increasing the body’s resistance and skin, limiting the risk of bacteria attacking causing acne and other problems.
  • Drink plenty of water: Just moisturizing the skin with a moisturizer is not enough. You should make it a habit to drink enough water every day to keep your skin hydrated and reduce oil production.

Taking care of oily and acne-prone skin requires you to have patience and follow the right process to quickly own the smooth, healthy skin you want. Besides, the selection of products for this skin type also needs to be carefully considered. If you choose the wrong one, the risk of all your efforts going in vain is very high. A useful piece of advice for you is to choose skin care products for oily skin with the cosmetic origin, which have been rigorously tested for safety such as Eucerin ProAcne to use. This is the number 1 best-selling cosmetic brand in Germany, capable of comprehensively overcoming 4 main causes of acne including keratosis pilaris, seborrheic hypersecretion, bacterial proliferation, and dermatitis. Thanks to that, you can quickly regain healthy glowing skin in just 2 weeks.