How to Protect Yourself from Cyberattacks?

protect yourself from cyberattacks

Welcome to the 21st century. Computer networks play a huge role in our lives. And that means they are at risk. Both terrorists and petty extortionists are ready to strike at them. What to do?

Cyberattack: what is it

Typically, a cyber attack refers to the various actions that attackers take to steal information from a particular company, organization, public service. Another purpose of this effect may be to interfere with operation. So, the above-mentioned WannaCry virus encrypted data on computers so that owners could not access them. Then the organization received a letter in which cybercriminals suggested decrypting the information. But not for the thanks. And for the money. Just imagine what damage can be caused by restricting access to data about people who have been observed by doctors for many years. But this is exactly what happened in the UK.

The most famous cyber attacks

We said above that the spread of the WannaCry virus has become the largest cyber attack of all time the existence of computer networks. But there are different types of cyber attacks on computers of various organizations.

In 2009, Google and Yahoo computers, the Northrop Grumman military-industrial company and Morgan Stanley Banking Holding, as well as several other companies, were attacked. It is believed that behind this stood structures close to the Chinese army. Hackers tried to access the source code of the software installed on the computers of various American companies.

How to protect critical information from hackers

Since a cyberattack, in contrast to the usual spread of viruses, is aimed at specific organizations, it is especially difficult to defend against it. Often, attackers not only attack computers over the Internet, but also use other hacking methods. They try to find any holes in the security system, acting in the same way as ordinary spies. Cybercriminals do not just run viruses on the network. They try to find out passwords, steal smart cards and other means by which you can connect to computers in a company or institution. How to deal with them?

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There are several computer security rules that must be strictly followed. Of course, they are very commonplace, but millions of people around the world forget about them. But hackers take advantage of this.

Be sure to install the latest software updates. Especially related to security. This applies to the operating system, and antiviruses, and other programs. The notorious WannaCry exploits a vulnerability in Windows. But Microsoft closed this vulnerability on March 14, 2017. That is, almost two months ago, you could just download the update, it even affected OS versions that are no longer officially supported: Windows XP, Windows 2003. And since then, people just haven’t pressed a few buttons.

But there is a problem that is especially acute in Russia. This neglect of licensed operating systems. Even in large companies, computers can run under the control of a pirated OS. And there will be a lot of problems with updating such OSs. Therefore, with the installation of a pirated copy, the risk of the security system not sustaining the next attack increases significantly. 

Install antivirus on your computer. Stay tuned for anti-virus databases. Do not disable the firewall. Yes, there is no ideal program that can instantly repel attacks of any network malware. But you can significantly complicate the life of attackers. Otherwise, the risk of infection of the computer dangerously approaches 100%.

Back up your files regularly. They must be stored on media that is not permanently connected to the computer. Of course, you cannot protect classified information like that. But if someone wants to destroy important data, he will not succeed. It will erase the files on the computer, and you will continue to work with the backup saved, for example, on an external hard drive. Today it’s easy to install software that automates this process. Nothing is required of you. It is enough to set up a schedule for creating copies, and at the indicated time the system will do everything itself.

Do not open attachments in letters received from strangers or from addresses of unknown organizations. Do not declassify passwords. If the letter says: “Hello, dear employee, we, the administrators of your IT department, ask you to send us your passwords,” immediately delete it. 

The same applies to transitions to unfamiliar pages and downloading programs from dubious sites. Do not do this. If an antivirus or firewall warns that a site may be a source of viruses, you don’t need to go to it.

If you use Wi-Fi in public places, it is better not to enter passwords and other confidential information. A lot of people faced Hacked Facebook Account issues just to save password in their mobile phones.

People themselves create the vast majority of security vulnerabilities. Therefore, all that is required of you is to adhere to elementary rules of caution on the Internet and do not forget to regularly update the system and antiviruses. And the likelihood that you will become a victim of a cyber attack will be significantly reduced.