Reasons That Alkaline Water Is Better Than Normal Water

It is true that having 8 glasses of water in a day is good for our health. Studies do even suggest that staying hydrated can improve your mood, productivity, memory, energy level, and clarity. However, do you know that drinking alkaline water can keep your body hydrated longer and faster than normal drinking water?

This is true and moreover, Alkaline water is alsoa great option to improve your bone, blood, and organ health. To understand more, you need to know what is alkaline water. Alkaline water is water with high hydrogen potential than normal water. The number of hydrogen ions present in the water helps to measure the pH level in the solution.

When the level of hydrogen ions is high in the solution the pH level is usually low (acidic substance), whereas when the level of hydrogen level is low then the pH level is high (basic substance).

Reasons why alkaline water is better than plain drinking water?

The reason why many recommend and choose alkaline water over normal drinking water is that the pH level helps you to stay healthy. The main factor that differentiates alkaline water from normal water is that alkaline water can neutralize the acids that are present in the water.

To stay away from diseases, it is necessary that the water consumed is very clean and the tap water most individuals consume have a high number of acids in it whereas the alkaline water has a balanced pH level that makes it safe to be consumed.

You can now get the benefit of pure alkaline water sitting at home through normal tap water. Piurify has invented an alkaline water filter that is very easy to use. This machine is designed for homesteads that infuse hydrogen gas in the normal water and provide natural antioxidant hydrogen molecules that are great for health at an affordable price.

Here is a list of benefits provided by the daily consumption of alkaline water:

It helps in balancing the pH level in the body:

Your body will naturally try and balance the pH level. However, if the body is very acidic your internal system would have to work hard to balance the pH level. The pH level in the body is affected by having acidic food. You are prone to many diseases when the body is very acidic. So alkaline water is better than normal water asit helps to balance the pH level.

Helps to detoxify the body:

This is one of the main benefits provided by alkaline water. They flush out the toxins away from the body, which can result in many health issues. Alkaline water improves the function of the kidneys and detoxifies the body.

The immune system is improved:

Having water regularly helps in boosting the immune system. Having alkaline water neutralizes free radicals naturally and cleans the toxins that are present in the body.

Alkaline water also benefits in many other ways like weight loss and hydration. So,improve your life and body health with alkaline water.