Automotives has been the one the most challenging industries that constantly have to bring the innovation and robustness and efficiency of the product across the customer’s service to mark their place in the competition. However, the ever changing customers’ expectation, rules and regulations related to vehicles’ manufacturing and the tendency to something out of the box have always got the leaders thinking to adopt a technology that could assist them in dealing with their daily struggles.
The Automotive ERP Software is the one name that every automotive market leader suggests and wishes to have to improve their business functions. Yes, there is no need to convince the leaders for the need of ERP at place as this digital and highly advanced era has made them all understand about the ERP as the necessity today.
But, apart from just believing that the ERP is the need today, there are many facts as well supporting this statement. Let’s have a look at them.
Benefits of ERP in Automotive Market
Automotive ERP software enables automotive companies to accelerate innovation in their manufactured products, optimize the cost of production while improving the quality of the product, and monitoring their expenses and profits. Efficient automotive ERP software, like SAP Business One makes the use of data driven intelligence to bring the world of technology, sensors and automotive data and the world of practical applications on the same page.
SAP Business One common ERP Modules streamlining the entire business manages the end-to-end functions from financials to manufacturing, inventory and procurement, to sales and CRM. The optimized and efficient processes make:
- Leaders bring their products faster to market while maintaining the enhanced equipment effectiveness
- Leaders make informed decisions based on real-time accurate insights as and when needed
The prospering leaders today are relying on the advanced planning, production and scheduling capabilities of SAP Business One to gain the competitive edge in the market.
SAP Business One Capabilities to Bring Value to the Automotive Business
Material Resource Planning: The ERP helps you gain greater visibility and control over the inventory and multiple warehouses at various locations, all in just a few clicks anywhere, anytime.
Advance Planning and Scheduling: Stay updated with the material and processes before starting the project with this feature of SAP Business One.
Batch Control: Keep track on all the batches prepared from the raw material stage to the shipment stage at any geography. Get rid of out of stock and over stock situation within this module of the ERP.
Contact Management: Stay on-time with the contacts signed and the upcoming deals, client information, material supplied by vendors, bills and warranty, etc. with SAP Business One’ in-memory intelligence.
Finance Management: Manage your accounts related information and the transactions with SAP Business One’ pre-approved accounting processes. This also helps you keep a check over the total expenses v/s net profit made.
Order Management: Place orders for supplies from the vendors or deliver the pending orders before time with scheduled alerts of SAP Business One’ centralized management space.
Human Resource Management: Apart from managing offices, The ERP also lets you monitor your employees’ performance, roll out salaries, monitor their progress and render promotions. Etc.