Clients often tend to look confused while hiring real estate agents for buying or selling commercial properties. It is a decision to be made judiciously, as an agent is expected to have the necessary expertise and market knowledge to close a deal efficiently. With experienced realtors like Upstate coming to the fore in Sydney, the sale of real estate in Northern Beaches is now even easier. However, at least a few clients would have confusion regarding the criteria that govern the quality of a real estate agent. Do they prioritize the interests of their clients? What sets them apart from the rest of the realtors? Do they have enough professional networks to close the deal in the stipulated time frame? – These are questions that a seller or buyer would ask her/himself before hiring a real estate agent. Read further to know in detail the most important factors that help you determine the efficiency of a realtor.
First and foremost, make sure that you have done background research on the realtor’s mission and vision. Clients should prioritize agents who value the interests and demands of their customers. Make sure that the agent has an efficient Property Concierge team in operation. This ensures that the client does not have to worry about any possible inconvenience that can happen from the day of listing until the sale. Real estate in Northern Beaches can use this feature since realtors like Upstate offer this special feature to their clients. Another important factor to consider is the vibing quotient between the client and the agent. An agent should be able to address the concerns of their client without any fuss. At the same time, it is equally important that the clients show their trust toward the agents by remaining patient till the deal is closed.
It is important to have a basic idea about the range of professional networks that an agent has. As far as a seller is concerned, this is important since an agent’s list of previous providers will give him access to data on a range of contractors, landscapers, repair professionals, plumbers, and so on. Access to the networking data will be helpful for the buyers as well since they too need the help of inspectors and lawyers at times. Having access to the agent’s network saves a lot of time as it frees the client from researching these people separately. However, make sure that your client is equipped with an efficient network to enjoy all these benefits.
Hobbyists are part-time real estate agents outside their full-time engagements. There are multiple risks while hiring such an agent. Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer and imagine your agent being occupied with their full-time responsibilities on your holiday. Such agents would not be able to close many transactions due to multiple engagements. It is recommended to keep such ‘hobbyists’ at bay and find a full-time realtor who is flexible enough to prioritize the needs of their clients.
Tip: Click here to know some of the tips you can follow to enhance the curb appeal of your property.
The best way to gauge a realtor’s negotiation potential is by glancing at the number of deals closed by them over the past one or two months. By virtue of their experience in the field, expert realtors acquire the unique ability to negotiate and close the deal at the best possible rate. Hence, an agent must ensure that the seller or the buyer closes the deal in a way that suits them best.
About The Author: Zoya Maryam