Three Main Home Fixes That Need A Professional Hand

Thanks to detailed instructions on YouTube, you might think that it is easy to install the toilet, connect the radiators, and wires. But the people in these videos are professionals. They do this kind of work every day. Therefore, even the exact repetition of their actions and basic knowledge do not save you from problems. Any interaction with engineering communications requires the obligatory participation of specialists. So what kind of work requires a professional hand?

Unpredictable fire

Who doesn’t dream of sitting by a fire, covered with a knitted blanket, with a mug of mulled wine in hand on cold evenings? The crackling of logs, the bewitching dance of flames, soft light — cosy and warm.

However, an open fire, such as in the fireplace or even a gas stove can be very dangerous.

You shouldn’t try to install them by yourself in no case. This should be done by an employee of the special service, and not by a private master. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a large fine.

And it’s not even about the money. It’s just that the “hot-tempered” element does not tolerate a frivolous attitude toward itself. All “maybe” and “about” usually turn out to be not in our favour.

What’s so dangerous? An unprofessional connection of a gas stove, as well as the choice of the wrong material for a fireplace or the wrong place for its installation, an incorrect calculation of the weight and parameters of its interconnected parts: a portal, a furnace, a firebox and a chimney, or a deviation from these parameters during the arrangement — everything will end in tears. Both for health and for the property, and not only ours. Explosions, fires, distortion and collapse of structures, smoke, carbon monoxide poisoning. Moreover, it is also a huge financial cost. This, of course, if you are lucky and everyone stays alive.

Rushing electricity

Once people considered a thunderstorm a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. Now this energy — electricity — greatly simplifies our life. But if handled carelessly, it is just as dangerous as fire. And in order not to have problems with it, it is enough to follow a simple rule — not to climb into the laying of cables and the installation of electrical devices without proper knowledge, skills and training.

What’s so dangerous? Remaining for several hours or even days without electricity is a lesser problem that will arise in case of an error. Alternatively, it will manifest itself throughout the house. In the event of a short circuit, there is a risk of fires, which can lead to large fires. And also the danger of damage to public equipment, the cost of which is a lot of money. And do not forget that any careless interaction with electricity ends with an electric shock, and in the best case, burns.

Separately, it is worth mentioning work with high-tech devices. We won’t recommend you to perform them on your own either. This is an installation of electric underfloor heating — salvation for those who like to walk barefoot at home in any season, installation of air conditioning systems and connection of electrical devices in contact with water.

All-consuming water

Water is easier to subdue than fire, and in an ordinary house this element is no longer dangerous to health, but to the wallet.

Radiators, heated towel rails, pools, sinks, showers — all these appliances and devices need water to function properly. And, it would seem, what is so difficult — to install a shower cabin? It is often accompanied by clear instructions. Judging by them, it costs nothing to connect the shower yourself. In practice, it turns out that there are many subtleties here, and in case of connection errors, the consequences will not be the most pleasant.

What’s so dangerous? Incorrect installation of radiators, shower stall or toilet will lead to pipe breakage, flooding and hot water burns. Problems will arise throughout the home if careless actions damage the central water supply system.

Swimming pool construction and repairs deserve special attention.The main thing is to know the laws, regulations and technical requirements. Repairs should be planned — usually at the end or before the beginning of a new swimming season. And unexpected repairs, when a leak is found in the pool bowl or there is an urgent need to repair the pool equipment. If the malfunctions are of increased complexity, then it would be better to contact the specialists for whom this is the main type of activity, and they know every last detail about such problems. As we already know, we don’t want any surprises with water.


Having entrusted all the listed works to masters of their craft — specialised professionals, we can count on the fact that they will be performed correctly. This ensures the peace of mind and security that we and our home need so much. This will help save nerves, health and avoid serious financial losses. In addition, it gives us aesthetic pleasure from the fact that everything is done neatly and beautifully.

And, of course, it frees up our time and energy for those renovations in the interior, in which our own talents will be very useful.