Tips To Follow While Writing Medical Personal Statement

Writing a great medical school personal statement is very important to help you get an entry in medical school as it makes it strong and leaves a positive impact on the admission committee. You have to combine it with your interview performance to make it more powerful.  Here are a few easy steps to help you write a medical school personal statement:

  • It involves understanding the basic requirements of the personal medical statement

This is a document which will be submitted and forwarded to all your selected medical schools, so you must know what it’s basics are and what they need in it. As it will help the interviewer to get an idea about the candidate and what type of questions is to be asked. 

  • Write and rewrite again

Before making the actual copy of your medical school personal statement give yourself time for writing and revision to get it right. Review what you have written with a gap then re-work on it. You can also consult medical personal statement editing services to help you make corrections.

  • Don’t Lose Focus

You should include all the interesting aspects of your journey to highlight it. However, don’t write your life story. Try and choose all unique things or themes and write in accordance with it, don’t overboard.

  • Write with Your Unique Angle

Write things that are personal and specific whether it’s your success story or your downfall, tell them how you faced it and reacted. You have to write it with your voice and perspective to make it memorable. 

  • Don’t Be Boring

Whenever you write your personal statement, start it with something catchy and interesting so that your reader doesn’t lose interest. Make the committee members want to read on and be engrossed.

  • Demonstrate Your Qualities 

Don’t fill your personal statement with too many qualities of yours, try to include a few of them like – kindness, compassion, willingness to learn, persistence, optimism and more. If you cannot figure out your great qualities, you can take help of your family, friends or your mentors. Just two or three qualities to focus on for your personal statement and don’t just tell them about it but show them these through stories that will prove it for you.

  • Describe Events as A Story 

Writing events as a story will help you make it more engaging rather than boring. However, the story you choose to describe is less important than the way you write it to impress the committee members. 

  • Keep It Simple  

Always use a language that is direct, simple and clear enough to convey your information to the committee. You should not make it a struggle for others to understand.

  • The Transition Should Be Thoughtful  

Don’t repeat your statements and put some variations in it; otherwise, it will be boring. Always connect two paragraphs interestingly. 

  • Be on Point

Never ramble around and you will end up being confusing. Just stick to a few bytes, which you want your interviewer to remember about you. Never overdo it.

  • Get Opinions

You can ask your mentor for corrections, or you can consult a medical school personal statement editing agency to help you and make it correct.