Top 5 vertical farming method that may change the face of traditional farming

Vertical farming is the method of producing food on vertically inclined surfaces. The practice of vertical farming is done on the basis of the suitable conditions provided for the growth of vegetables and other food crops. This method includes many type of farming which includes different methods of growing plants like soilless farming techniques.

Listed below are some of the vertical farming methods:

  • Hydroponics (growing plants without soil): Hydroponics is a form of gardening that uses no soil, but instead grows plants in a solution of water and nutrients. A hydroponic system can grow plants and vegetables faster by providing suitable conditions to the plants. Plants grown in this way usually yield more, require less space, and conserve soil and water. This hydroponic system is suitable even if you are an apartment resident who does not have land or plot for outdoor gardening. Throughout the growing process, you will need to control several factors, such as lighting, water quality, air circulation, etc.
  • Aeroponics (growing plants in air): Aeroponics is a really simple and worry-free way to grow and clone vegetables and herbs. Aeroponics is growing vegetation without soil, but the roots are suspended and sprayed with water and nutrient solution. It is the method of growing plants on the basis of requirements of the nutrients and water because it is a totally soilless technique of growing clone vegetables and herbs.We can also grow plants to harvest in the system as well.
  • Aquaponics (combination of aquaculture and hydroponics):  Aquaponics combines aquaculture and hydroponics where water is used to fed the hydroponic system similar to aquaculture of aquatic animals. In this method, we use the symbiotic combination of these two, in which plants are fed on the aquatic animals’ discharge or waste. Along with the fish and their waste, microbes play an important role in the nutrition of the plants. In this way, these beneficial bacteria gather in the spaces between the roots of the plant and converts the fish waste and the solids into substances that the plants requirements to grow. In this way it is proved to be a perfect collaboration between aquaculture and hydroponics.
  • Modular farms: Modular farms are a technique of growing plants and vegetables in flexible and self-contained systems that allow you to grow herbs and vegetables without the need for soil and sunlight. This technique is becoming more than just a sustainability goal for social impact organizations as it is independent of sunlight also.The idea of modular farming concentrates on farmer ROI and plant health. This system is the perfect pairing of container farms, and the tried and tested technology of vertical farming. This technique maintains balance between the two, promotes an endless growth of fresh and locally produced plants. This method of vertical farming proved that you can customize your system and extend its functionality according to your agriculture needs to accommodate any sized operation.Because each module is sealed, you can run multiple environments at the same time, with each one offering differing humidity and temperature controls for growth.
  • Bowery farming: Bowery Farming is another method to change the way we think about growing food for urban populations, without the intensive water use seen in traditional agriculture.In this method, wecan grow vegetables from seeds in meticulously controlled, almost lab-like conditions. In this method, seedlings are grown hydroponically under LED lights that have been fulfil the requirements of the sun. The entire facility depends on purified water which is then recycled and reused through the system to minimize the use of waste.
  • Cubic farming system: Cubic farming system is designed as a selection of automated growing machines for fresh produce, nutritious livestock feed, and efficient high-volume plant propagation. There are some of thebenefits of utilizing Cubic farming system technology for your farm; Reduces the physical footprint of traditional farming while maximizing production per cubic foot.Significantly lowers the use of physical labour throughout production.Dramatically decreases the amount of fresh water needed.Eliminates the need for harmful pesticides and herbicides.Provides consistent and reliable crop yields, a year around. Allows for a meaningful reduction in energy consumption.
  •  Vertical farming technologies are still relatively new. Companies in India are yet to produce crops at scale and make it economically feasible by the techniques of vertical farming to meet the growing food demand. The performance of farms like Hydroponic Farming in India will determine how important a role of vertical farming will play in the future to face the challenge of growing food demand.