Top Gifts for Travelers

If you’re a traveler like me, then you probably don’t have a lot of stuff – and you prefer it that way. When it comes to people buying you gifts, it can be tricky. What do you buy for someone who lives on the road and carries all their possessions on their back? Perhaps you could buy them some Jettly tickets instead of physical items. They’d make use of that, right?

During my travels, I have picked up a few items that have been invaluable to my adventures, and have a list of other things I’d love to get. Many of these items can replace bulkier ones, and actually reduce the amount of stuff you travel with, as well as providing a useful gift of course! Here are my top six favorite travel items that make great gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

Pocket Wifi

Having access to the internet is invaluable nowadays, and when you’re on the road, it’s not so practical (or budget-friendly!) to be buying a new sim card for each and every country. Companies like Tep Wireless provide sim cards and pocket-sized routers that you can top up with data to use in virtually any country. It’s tiny, incredibly useful, and one of my favorite travel items.

Turkish towel

This sounds like a weird one, but it’s one of the most versatile travel items out there. A Turkish towel is what it sounds like, but it is very special. It’s woven from Turkish cotton and folds up into a compact size that’s much more practical than a giant fluffy towel. Not only is it packable and super absorbent, but you can use it for so many things: to lie on the beach, wear as a shawl on cool evenings, wear as a scarf, wear as a sarong, cover your shoulders or knees for entering religious places, and fold up to use as a pillow on long bus journeys.

Fanny pack

I’m so glad fanny packs have come back into fashion, even if it’s in a slightly retro, tongue-in-cheek kind of way. They are just so useful for carrying things around hands free, that I don’t know what we did before them. I can fit all my daily essentials in a fanny pack, and often wear it underneath my jacket for extra security. It’s also super useful for any kind of hiking or climbing, when you need all the movement you can get, and none of the burden on your back or shoulders.

Collapsible cup

I’m a traveler, but I also try to be mindful of my carbon footprint. As someone who hates waste, I try to avoid using disposable items when I can. My collapsible cup is a beloved item that someone bought for me and I use it all the time. It’s made from silicon and you can fold it to three different cup sizes, and fold it completely in on itself when you’re done. It’s so small and nifty that I take it everywhere, as I never know when I’ll want a hot drink to go. It comes with a secure lid, a removable mouthpiece for drinking, and a clip if you want to attach it to the outside of your bag. Cafes are always more than happy to give you a to-go drink in your own container, and sometimes they’re so impressed, they give me a size up for no extra fee!

Universal lock

A universal lock is important to keep your things safe and secure within your suitcase or backpack, but sometimes your bags need to be searched when you’re not around. A universal lock means security officers at airports are able to open it without breaking it, and your things remain safe and locked away.


If you’re a coffee fiend like me, you can’t function without some strong caffeine on a morning. Sometimes the cheap instant complimentary stuff you get at hostels just doesn’t cut it. One of my more luxury items – although kind of a necessity for me – is an aero press coffee maker. It’s super compact and easy to use, and means you can make fresh coffee every morning, as long as you have some boiling water!

So those are my top six favorite travel items for when I’m on the road. What are your essential items? Let me know below!