Bon Via, a website for people abroad to sell unique items they find, launches this week in time for the holiday season. The site provides travelers and expatriates a way to earn extra money while also directly benefitting local economies. Sellers may also blog about their travels on the site.
“I backpacked across Europe and kept seeing all these amazing things but didn’t have any way to sell them,” said Michael Wachs, founder of Bon Via. “Bon Via is the germination of that frustration. I believe Bon Via can help to democratize importing and make connections more personal to the products and the people of a place.”
Sellers should review customs policies prior to listing the items for sale. Jewelry, leather goods, clothes, art, furniture and stationery are likely initial categories of items for sale, though more may be added by sellers.
There is no charge to join Bon Via or list items for sale. Instead, the site charges a 3% commission of the sale price. Within 48 hours of receiving the shipping invoice, sellers must mail the item to the buyer and are then paid electronically. “Maybe there will be a pen pal and stamp collecting renaissance partially due to Bon Via,” Michael Wachs said. “But if not, at least people will have more awesome things.”