Did you know that, according to the American Pet Producers Association, 10 million households in the United States had chickens in 2018? Raising chickens grows more popular each year.
The pandemic inspired people to consider alternative hobbies. And, people have a desire to be more self-reliant. A natural consequence of these desires is, of course, the sourdough bread-making craze. But also, keeping backyard chickens saw a huge jump in popularity.
If you’ve ever considered caring for chickens, read through this list of benefits.
Egg-cellent Selection
An obvious joke, but a post about chickens needs at least one egg pun. The most apparent benefit of having chickens is fresh eggs. Did you know that under the right nutritional and weather conditions, a hen can lay 250 eggs a year?
The benefits of chicken eggs include vitamins, protein, and healthy fats. Even better, they’re versatile and delish!
Let Your Creativity Take Wing
Okay, couldn’t resist that one either. When raising chickens, you’ll need a place to live. You can buy a chicken coop, or you could use this as a chance to let your creative juices flow and build a coop.
A chicken coop design must have walls, a roof, good ventilation, nesting boxes, and perches. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, check out this design from a green roof coop. You can buy this chicken coop design and DIY from home.
Get Your Chicks Involved
It’s officially a thing now.
Raising chickens is a great way to get your kids outside. Chickens are fairly low maintenance, so they’re a great way to start teaching responsibility to children. Kids can help with egg collection, coop cleaning, and feeding jobs.
Make sure that after interacting with the chickens or cleaning out the coop, you and your children thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. It’s also a good idea to leave your “chicken caring” shoes outside and regularly wash those too.
A More Sust-hen-able Way to Live
Alright, alright, that one was bad. But what’s not bad is living more sustainably.
Chickens contribute more than just eggs or meat, their poop also makes great fertilizer. Additionally, they help reduce kitchen waste. Chickens eat a lot and eat almost everything. They love your kitchen scraps.
To begin to learn how to raise chickens, start with this guide to what chickens eat.
Find Your Flock
That’s the last one…maybe! Raising chickens is a great way to widen your social circle.
Move over “dog-moms”, chicken-ladies (and gents) are here to party. There are communities online and in-person for backyard chicken farmers. Your little birdie flock can be the ticket into a number of deep and lasting relationships.
Raising Chickens Takes Pluck
Couldn’t part without another solid chicken joke.
While there are challenges associated with raising chickens, the benefits greatly surpass the struggles. Today could be the day you begin your chicken raising journey. Good (c)luck!
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