What are the myths about Lasik eye surgery?

Lasik eye surgery

Lasik is the latest and fastest-growing surgical technique to address the issue of vision loss. Over the past few years, Lasik has grown in popularity among patients who want to maintain or improve their sight. The word “surgical” brings images of a big, white needle and some anesthesia. This article explains the basics of Lasik eye surgery and its myths.

What are the myths about Lasik eye surgery?

The primary myth of misinformation about Lasik is that it is not safe. This is not the case. The presence of vision loss makes people more likely to develop certain eye diseases. The combination of hereditary factors, genetics, and environment causes vision loss. However, patients who want to see better can go to great lengths to maintain eye health. What they may not realize is that the surgery is not entirely safe.

Myth 2-Lasik eye surgery isn’t correctable?

Yes, the myth exists, but you can correct your eye problem! The main reason patients go to Lasik is to correct their vision problems. Different special methods can be used to accomplish this. One option is to get a refractiveopia correction, which lowers the power of your vision by adjusting your retinas to be more sensitive to light. This can help you see better on bright light days and dark light hours. 

Another way Lasik can correct your eye problem is by causing changes in how your retina processes visual information. These alterations may make it more difficult for your eyes to absorb visual information, causing vision loss.

Myth 3: Is Lasik eye surgery painful?

This is not a myth! The procedure is very unpleasant. You can feel the airbag’s impact as it is stuck in your eye. That’s right, and an airbag is hitting your eye. The anesthetic used during the procedure is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ( NSAID ) or Codeine. This is because the procedure is not extremely painful.

But, the discomfort and redness that you might experience after the surgery is there to be expected. One important thing you should remember is that Lasik eye surgery does not remove your natural vision. It changes how your eyes function, making them more sensitive to light and dark vision.

Myth 4- Lasik eye surgery is expensive.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but really, it isn’t. The surgery price is determined by several things, including the type of vision you have and the time frame you require the surgery. So, it comes down to you and your budget. 

Generally, the more pronounced the problem, the more money it will cost. But it would help if you also remembered that some types of vision loss are more complex and costly. These include trouble with memory, balance, and speech skills. Thus, it is essential to consider the overall cost of your vision loss and decide on how much eye surgery is necessary. 

Bottom line

There are many advantages to Lasik eye surgery [know more: https://www.visualaidscentre.com/lasik-eye-surgery-in-delhi/]. However, one of the essential advantages is correcting your eye problem. If you want to see better, you should take action. The foremost thing you need to do is get your eye exam. This should be done by a doctor who specializes in eye surgery. 

Then, depending on your vision, an eyebrow lift or a corrective eye procedure may be required. The last thing you must do is worry about the money or the consequences of your vision loss. Lasik eye surgery can correct your vision, and you will be glad you did.