What can happen if I work without a work visa in Australia?

Australia has had so much economic growth whichhas attracted people all over the years to come here. But working here without a work permit is hazardous and that you should be ready to face arrest at any time. Anyone can file a complaint about such a worker to the Department Of Immigration and Border Protection and get deported from Australia. The candidates, who come here in the lure of making money without a visa, are trapped by consultants actually. The Australia government has discontinued with the 457 visa, so 489 is the right working visa now. This work visa however has the restriction that only certain areas are open for the working of such visa holders who have entered here through this visa.

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For, getting this working visa of Australia the procedure requires adhering to some complications:

  • Relative based nomination for the 489 visa: The interested visa applicant should have a relative who is living in a certain Australian state. He should be holding PR of this state. Then the concerned relative should be willing to nominate him for the 489 visa. Apart from family nomination, the candidate can also be given nomination by the state which is only possible when an employer of this state is ok to hire you here.
  • Employer-based nomination for the 489 visa: When an employer is willing to import you to Australia, you get eligible to work in particular areas of the state. Then you compete with other candidates who have such nominations and based on the other attributes, like how well do you comprehend and speak English, your age and how much skills you have as per the opinion of the government. There is a certain point structure for this visa and the candidates need to get a higher total of 65 points for the approval of the state i.e. its nomination.

There are many alternative visas to work in Australia apart from the 489 visa:

  • Employer-based nomination(186 visa): If one wants to get a work permit, of Australia, it’s better to opt for the 186 visa. This visa can only be given to you once you have the, employer who is willing to give you employment and hence you can get an Australia PR. Therefore, its simple to get this visa once you have the qualifications and are qualified to get this visa. So, instead of going to this country without the work permit, get an employer who is ready to get you to Australia on a PR. This way, your life gets set in Australia through the 186 visa.
  • Partner visa:Apart from that, another way to get the working rights in Australia is through a partner visa. This visa is available when you have the relationship with an  Australian citizen or someone who has a PR and then get the 820 visa after application. You are eligible to work on this visa. However, you can only get the 820 visa after you have been married or living in with an australian citizen for 1 year.
  • Working holiday visa: In Australia, a working holiday visa is available for those who want to work in the agricultural sector here. But this visa is country specific. Even employers in this sector don’t hire anyone without a visa, because they are aware of the results. The employers can be imprisoned.
  • Study visa: An Australian study visa is also a legal way to earn money in this country. As per the tenure of the course, the candidate can have this visa to him for 5 years. He can work for 20 hours for every week he has the study visa. Whenever the winter vacation is there, you can even work for 40 hours a week.