Why Are Companies Moving to the Cloud? Learn Some Facts About Cloud


Well, if you have been using internet for quite a time now, you must have heard about Cloud. Cloud, as the word suggests, is an online storage platform. A lot of you who are company owners or who are just curious want to know why are companies moving to the cloud.

A majority of people is talking about Cloud and Cloud storage but only a few of them know what it is. Others just keep rambling about it and define it as an online storage platform but have no clue on what it offers, how it is beneficial, and what makes users migrate. Here, you will learn all the things about Cloud and understand why should companies move to the cloud.

Let’s take a look at all the important things a user should have knowledge about while moving to the Cloud.


Table of Content

  1. What Do You Mean by Cloud and Cloud Storage?
  2. How Does the Cloud Work?
  3. What Merits Does Migrating to Cloud Offers?
  4. How to Move Business to the Cloud?
    – Desktop Outlook Migration to Cloud
    – Moving from Exchange to Cloud
    – Export Local Files to the Cloud

Let’s start!

What do You Mean by Cloud and Cloud Storage?

Talking about Cloud and its storage, why are companies moving to the cloud is mainly because Cloud is an online storage platform that can be accessed over the internet via any device from anywhere. The data of the cloud is stored on cloud servers that are located in datacenters all over the world.

All your stored data is managed by the cloud service provider and is also responsible for the availability, protection, and accessibility of the data. All the users who are on cloud know that there is no need for you to manage the On-Premise servers and just access the data online.

Also, the companies and organizations using cloud storage do not have to save the data in their local system rather access it over the cloud from single location.

That’s a brief about Cloud. Let’s now check out how it works to understand why should companies move to the cloud.

Performance of Cloud Storage

Almost every user has a Gmail account and knows how it works. You have to first enter your credentials to log in and if Google doesn’t recognize the device, you have to go through the 2-step authentication to sign in.

The database that is saved over the cloud storage is protected by encryption which is the credentials to log in. And then comes the additional layer which is the 2-step verification. For the verification, an OTP will be sent to either your linked phone number or the recovery email id.

In your Cloud storage, you can store pictures, videos, document files, music files, software, etc. which is another tempting reason for why are companies moving to the cloud. However, some of the cloud storage accounts may not allow a lot of these items to be stored and is just limited to certain files only. Usually these things are cleared at the start by the cloud storage provider so that users already know what they are going for.

Cloud Storage also has an option to upload the data files with the help of an in-browser option that offers the upload feature. Or, there is another option offered by some cloud storage accounts that is to drag and drop the files.

But is still doesn’t answer the question. The following segment will.

Merits of the Cloud to Answer Why Should Companies Move to the Cloud

There are a lot of benefits of using moving to cloud but the following are the major reasons:

1. Disaster Recovery at Low-Cost

It is difficult for the smaller businesses to invest so much for disaster recovery unlike the large organizations. This is why, Cloud has made it easier for the smaller businesses to recover their data at a low budget.

2. Scalability

For growing businesses, it is important that the resources are provided to the business as quickly and when required. Cloud offers this feature to its users and helps them scale the resources up and down which also answers why are companies moving to the Cloud.

3. Easy Access

Some users require any time, anywhere access to their data. Since cloud is an online storage platform, the data stored in cloud servers can be access through any device at any time from any location.

4. Security

As it has already been mentioned, cloud protects a user’s data through encryption. There are 2 layers of protection, one which requires the credentials of your account, the other through sending an OTP to the linked mobile number.

5. Better Collaboration

This reason is another amazing answer to why should companies move to the Cloud since the employees can work, edit, and share the files any time, from anywhere, it gives users a chance to do more together. This allows users to make updates in real time and offer full visibility into collaborations.

6. Cost-Efficiency

It is hard and expensive to manage a datacenter. You have to purchase the right hardware, hire technicians, manage the center etc. Moving to Cloud is cost-effective and easier since you have to pay only for the service you use.

These are the key benefits offered by Cloud storage. Let’s now find out how you can actually move your business.

What Are the Practices to Move Business to Cloud?

When a user is looking for an answer on why are companies moving to the Cloud, there can also be a few scenarios that might come into his/her mind. Some users or enterprises might look for a solution to move their business from desktop-based client to Cloud-based client or from local storage to Cloud platform.

Let’s check out these scenarios as explained below.

You can choose the workaround that is perfect for your requirement:

  1. Moving Business from Desktop Outlook to Cloud-Based Platform
  2. Organizations Planning to Move from Exchange to Office 365
  3. Transferring Data from Local Storage to Cloud


Case 1 – Why Are Companies Moving to the Cloud from Desktop Outlook?

There could be cases where an enterprise might have be using a desktop client such as Outlook and want to migrate the data from there to the Cloud-based platform which would be Office 365. Now, in that case, there is going to be a lot of data to be migrated since it is an organization, it requires a fast and secure transfer.

For this type of migration, you need a quick-witted application which is also reliable named as Outlook to Office 365 Migration Tool. This is the fastest way to get all the data of your organization’s employees all at once.

Case 2 – Why Should Companies Move to the Cloud from Exchange On-Premise?

Some users might be thinking that of moving from Exchange On-Premise to the cloud-based platform being Office 365. This could be because of the growing business or the features offered by Office 365 that attracts the users.

You can go for the Exchange Mailbox to Office 365 Migration Tool which will complete the process in just a few minutes. You will be able to move the data from your On-Premise source to cloud destination without creating any troubles.

Case 3 – Why Are Companies Moving to the Cloud from their Local Storage?

This means that the users have their data stored in their local system that they want to move to the cloud. There can be a scenario where a user’s storage space is filling up and want to empty it but cannot delete the data as it is of importance.

For such cases, you can use the File System to Office 365 Migration Tool in order to export the data carefully and successfully. The software has the capability to migrate the entire data from your local storage to Office 365 with efficiency.

Final Verdict

There could be many scenarios where a user might want to know why are companies moving to the Cloud. It is important that you don’t just start migrating before knowing the whole deal which is why we have come up with all the knowledge you require. Select the scenario which suits matches your requirements and make full use of the workaround as mentioned.