Data theft is the most common problem we hear in our day-to-day life, and now days it become serious issue for technology users. As we, all know that a huge number of people are very much dependent on electronic devices. However, users cannot keep it for lifelong as they are prone to corrupt or dead or get outdated at a point of time. There are times come when user wants to update his drive or just want to discontinue with his existing device and wanted to sale it to someone.
Now some points which may become concern for you after giving or selling or just sending your drive for crush to drive sanitizing centre.
- Is it safe to throw drive without concerning about the stored data?
- I had permanently deleted my data from the drive before dropping it to bin but now tensed about the data.
- What if the drive will go into wrong hands?
- What if drives data is still recoverable?
- Is Shift + Delete is enough to make my data unrecoverable?
Your mind will be surround by many more doubts related to your drive’s data safety as many fully efficient data recovery tools available like Recuva, Stellar, etc. to recover permanently deleted files from any type of storage devices.
To avert any data protection issue it is recommended, to use a certified file eraser tool to first wipe out your data and ensure yourself that your data will not be recoverable even with the advance data recovery tool.
Looking for the Best and affordable File eraser software?
Try Free Trial of Bitraser for file software. This software is available free for 1 Month, with the free trial user get all features enabled. Recently I have reviewed this Bitraser for file software and found it really easy to wipe files from the hard drive.
Below is the detailed information about Bitraser for File Software:
Bitraser for file is a best file eraser program, which has ability to wipe files from storage devices such as HDD, SD card, memory card, external hard drive, etc. This software allows erasing files from any type of drives with 17 different algorithms.
Here are the 17 different algorithms of data wiping with Bitraser for file software
- Zeroes
- Pseudo-random
- Pseudo-random & Zeroes (2 passes)
- Random Random Zero (6 passes)
- US Department of Defense, DoD 5220.22-M (3 passes)
- US Department of Defense, DoD 5200.22-M (ECE) (7 passes)
- US Department of Defense, DoD 5200.28-STD (7 passes)
- Russian Standard – GOST-R-50739-95 (2 passes)
- B.Schneier’s algorithm (7 passes)
- German Standard, VSITR (7 passes)
- Peter Gutmann, (35 passes)
- US-Army AR 380-19 (3 passes)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO Standard (7 passes)
- US Air Force, AFSSI 5020 (3 passes)
- Pfitzner algorithm (33 passes)
- Canadian RCMP TSSIT OPS-II (4 passes)
- British HMG IS5 (3 passes)
Best Tool Recovering Deleted Data from Drive
User can choose any algorithm to wipe out files from the storage drives, just open software interface and click “Tools” tab and set erasure algorithm to wipe entire hard drive data.
Once you done with the algorithm settings to wipe out files from the drive go to the main interface of the software.

Now, you will see all the available drives in the main interface of the software and click on + icon to expend the drive and see all available folders and files in it. Select the file you want to wipe permanently or just check mark the box available next to the drive to wipe out the entire drive’s data and click on “Erase Now” button.
Conclusion: Your drives security is in your hands, little sloppiness can put you into trouble so to avoid misuse of your drives data download Bitraser for file software and before dropping it to garbage wipe it out with the help of certified file eraser software.