4 Admin Tasks For Your Small Business You Should do in 2023

4 Admin Tasks For Your Small Business You Should do in 2023

I love the beginning of a new year. It’s filled with possibilities and a special type of energy that such a big change can bring. It’s the perfect time to think about what you’d like to improve your small business and what changes you need to make to be where you want to be. Something I like to do at the beginning of the year is to plan my employee gifts! I like to make them feel valued, so choosing birthday gifts that really reflect their personality is a big part of my company dynamic. It’s also a good time to have your HVAC serviced if you haven’t had that done recently. You might also benefit from taking a quick look at your company’s life insurance policies and health insurance policies to make sure you have a good fit for your company. If you have a company website, it’s time to audit it! If you don’t, then it’s probably time to get one up. If you’d like to learn more about my top 4 admin tasks for your small business you should do in 2023, keep reading!

Plan Your Employees Gifts
I want my employees to know they’re valued and that I really appreciate them. Personalized gifts for their birthdays is a way that I do that, but of course it takes a bit of planning especially if you have a larger company. One surprising little gift I like to throw in is a disposable camera from ​​Analogcc.com. It’s a great way to inspire your employees to take more photos, but in a way where they’d be printed into physical pictures that they can enjoy for years to come.

Have Your HVAC Serviced
It can be hard to remember when you next need to service your HVAC or air conditioning unit. Some companies will provide you with a reminder when you’re due so you can keep on top of it. But if it’s been more than six months since you’ve last done this, it’s time! Jack Harrison Air has a great price point for all HVAC servicing and maintenance needs and you can rest assured that you’re getting good quality service.

Check Your Company Life Insurance and Health Insurance Policy
If you offer either life insurance or health insurance benefits, then most often what happens is that you sign up with a specific company and stick with them for years, without ever checking if they’re still offering competitive pricing or benefits. For that reason, I think January is the perfect time to take a minute to check whether they’re still offering you a good package. You can work with an insurance broker to quickly compare what’s on the market. Check out Volpefinancialsolutions.com for some great life insurance policy options.

Audit Your WebsiteIf you don’t have a website, then what are you doing! Your website is a platform where customers and potential customers can find out more about you and your business. It’s absolutely essential in every industry across the board. If you do have a website, how’s your SEO? Are you where you want to be in terms of traffic and reach? If not, make 2023 the year that you invest in your website’s SEO.

It can be great to start the new year off with some admin so you get started on the right foot. I hope these four suggestions motivate you to get caught up with some important admin tasks.