9 Best Nutrients and Vitamins for Building Muscles and Burning Fat

Fed up of your extra tummy?

It would have been a lot easier if you could share your extra weight with the skinny ones!

Impossible daydreams aside — 

A lot of people are struggling from weight and fitness issues from past four decades, thanks to many comforts technology have brought. Although we have ourselves to blame for not taking care of ourselves, we are actually pretty much oblivious when it comes to fitness and nutrition.

It is because fitness trends keep changing, and they are different for men and women. 

Also, people who have extra weight tend to struggle a lot with food choices, almost everything they eat clings with them in the form of fat!

Those who want to gain muscle and fat loss need to give special attention to their diet. Through this blog, I will talk about the important nutrients that you should include in your diet if you want to build muscle and lose weight.

So, let’s dive in!   

1. Protein

Legumes are rich in protein such as chickpeas, soybeans and lentils. Apart from this chicken is also a great source of protein along with eggs. You should avoid red meat though, they are not considered healthy by many doctors.  

This is one of the most important nutrients that you need in order to build muscle. Apart from that, this is an essential macronutrient needed for healthy hair and nails. They repair damaged muscles and help them to grow stronger.

2. Fat

Yes, you read it right!

Fat is an important macronutrient that your body needs for various functions: maintaining testosterone levels, helping in metabolizing vitamin A, D, E, and K are some of the functions. Taking away fat from your diet can result in decreased muscle growth and energy levels. 

Monounsaturated fats help reduce weights and help reduce heart-related risks. Now, what you should avoid are unhealthy saturated fats. 

So, remember to include fat in your diet!

3. Carbs

Yup, You also need carbs to build muscle and lose weight!

Carbohydrates are the essential fuel source of your body, especially the brain, kidney, central nervous system and of course — muscles! If you cut your carbohydrates then you’ll be in serious trouble and it will also hamper your muscle growth and recovery. 

Make sure that you include healthy carbohydrates in your diet. Some sources are fruits, legumes, whole grains, oatmeals, and rice. 

4. Calcium

It is not only important for your bones and teeth, but it is also vital for your muscles contraction and metabolism. That said, you should include calcium sources in your diets such as cheese, almond, sesame seeds and yogurt.

5. Iron

This mineral helps the circulation of blood in your body, and its deficiency can also lead to impediments in muscle growth. Your body needs it to maintain high energy levels and is vital for your immunity system.

Some rich sources are Dried apricot, Sardines, venison, and bran cereals.

6. Vitamin C

You have probably heard that vitamin C is essential for a strong immune system. Well, it is also vital for metabolising carbohydrates for energy and absorbing iron. Some rich sources of iron are green peppers, citrus fruits, and blackcurrants. 

7. Vitamin D

It helps in absorbing calcium and phosphorus in your body, and that makes it very important and you are weight training or following any workout plan. I have already discussed why calcium is important; phosphorus is required for producing ATP, the usable energy for the body.

Some rich vitamin sources are olive oil, oily fish, eggs, yoghurt, and sunflower seeds.

8. Vitamin B12

This vitamin ensures that brain and muscles communicate efficiently, and it is also vital for the formation of red blood cells. So, it is a very important nutrient for muscle growth. Some rich vitamin-rich sources are meat, marmite, milk, eggs, and offal.

9. Magnesium

If you are experiencing too many muscle cramps lately, then you might be deficient in this essential mineral. It is found in the soft tissues and body fluids. It helps in muscle contraction and boosting energy levels.

Some sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables, seeds, garlic (not to be consumed on a regular basis), nuts, and bran.

10. Potassium

Potassium deficiency also leads to muscle cramps. That said, it is an important mineral that transports water to the muscle, which is essential for muscle building. It also acts as an electrolyte which helps muscle contraction and expansion. 

Some sources of potassium are fish (salmon), banana, and chicken.

A Word Before You Go

It is very important for you to understand that there is no best nutrient for anything. Every nutrient in your body has a crucial function and they are mandatory for an overall healthy and stable body. Therefore, you should have a balanced diet and include some raw food in your diet to live a healthy and happy life.

Nutrasphere understands this and has prepared various fat loss, fitness soups to help you supplement your diet and get complete nourishment for your body. Also, I would suggest that you seek the advice of a dietician to get the best possible results.

Have a great day ahead!