More and more accent is being put on early childhood education but why is that so? Can children be more accomplished if their education starts at a very young age? How can parents contribute to their child’s education? If you are expecting or have a baby, you are probably doing your best to prepare both yourself and them for all the upcoming challenges. Well, providing your child with a quality education is a big part of setting them up for success in life. So, why is early childhood education so important and what can you do to help? Keep on reading.

Why is early childhood more important than ever before?
The world is constantly changing. From new technologies that are being developed to various new jobs that are opening on a daily basis, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up. However, in order to be successful and able to adapt to the circumstances they are facing, children need to be educated on time, while they are still young. With AI-powered technology becoming so widely available and implemented in many lines of work, low levels of some basic skills like reading and math can put people at risk of displacement. With that in mind, we have to start preparing kids to give them the necessary skills to tackle everything that life might throw their way.
Studies have shown that early childhood education can have a lifelong effect. For instance, the size of a two-year-old’s vocabulary can predict their academic and behavioral performance in kindergarten. How they perform in kindergarten can, in turn, predict their math and reading achievements and various other life outcomes like retirement savings and homeownership.
What can parents do to enhance early childhood education?
Of course, as a parent, you want to do everything in your power to ensure your child has a chance to flourish and be successful and fulfilled. Seeing as how early childhood education is one of the factors that can be of the essence, you need to make the most of all opportunities that will allow them to discover, learn about, and engage with the world around us. Fortunately, there are several ways how you can help.
Finding a quality educational institution that will encourage learning
In order to help your child’s development, you need to enroll them in a quality educational institution that will encourage them to learn from a young age. Licensed centers like West Ryde Long Day Care provide children with a welcoming environment that will stimulate them in all the right ways and encourage them to learn through a wide range of activities. When choosing the right center for your child, make sure it offers a varied program and has experienced teachers. What is more, there is research that shows that, by the age of 3, children from disadvantaged backgrounds are exposed to 30 million fewer words than those from higher-income families. Seeing as how your kid might need to play catch-up depending on your circumstances, it is in their best interest that you find them a quality kindergarten.
Encouraging children to communicate from a young age
However, it is important to keep in mind that you cannot leave your child’s education purely in their teachers’ hands. You also have to take part in your child’s development. For starters, you need to work on your communication. We know that children actively listen even before they start speaking. Your little one will be using your input to start grasping the basics of speech and language, which is why you have to do your best to encourage communication. If you’re having issues, there are many books and songs you can use to help you on your mission.
Reading to children can play a big role as well
In addition to encouraging communication, you can also read to your kids. Not only will their communication skills improve but this activity will also help boost their vocabulary. As they get older, their imagination and critical thinking will also benefit from this practice. With such a wide range of picture books that can build your kid’s language skills, there is really no excuse not to give this a try. So, even if it seems like your child can’t really understand you, keep on doing it as it will have a big impact on their later education.
Exposing them to interactive learning materials
Finally, you can help by exposing your child to interactive learning materials. While watching TV or YouTube will provide them with some passive learning, you should also try to implement touchscreens that provide feedback for every action that your child makes. For example, you can find an app or website that allows kids to answer questions by tapping the screen and then shows them if they were correct or not.
As a parent, you should take certain steps that will ensure your child gets the early childhood education that will allow them to thrive in life. From providing them with a quality kindergarten to reading to them whenever you have time, play an active role in their education.