Get the knowledge about Best & Free Cloud Email Backup Solutions helpful for the managed backup service. Cloud-based Email Backup Process is a very attractive way of organizing emails & messages of personal or for Small Businesses. If you use Office 365, Gmail, Exchange Server, Yahoo or some other Webmail service to manage your emails on the cloud, you may need a similar cloud-based email archiving solution to provide all the backup capabilities your IT administrator needs.
What is a Cloud Email Backup Solution?
A Cloud Email Backup Solution is a technology for small businesses that want to protect their critical business information for email backup. It is the need of the hour to get secure, fast, unlimited storage, retrieval, and storage from the cloud to local storage. Other advanced features include the Advanced Search Email Attachment Manager and fine-grained access control. Regardless of which email account you use, you can back up message from Gmail backup or Office 365, or IMAP using Email Backup Wizard
Used as a corporate communications tool, the e-mail system generates 60 billion new e-mails a day, and more than half of all business information is stored as archive records. IT staff must not only protect these records but also handle storage cost increases and meet legal regulatory and corporate governance requirements.
You can improve performance by archiving your mail and storing it as a record in a secure cloud that is different from your mail system. For data security reasons, this is a good way to store the cloud mail data that is most important to you on your local computer system. Fully protect your data with cloud-to-cloud email backup. There may be several reasons, including cyber-attacks (viruses, malware, ransomware, etc.), natural disasters, and artificial mistakes that lead to the loss of important data.
What is the Best Free Cloud Backup Service?
There are a variety of cloud-based email backup services available, but finding the optimal one is still a very complicated task. This is part of the main recommendation for users to back up cloud email. If for some reason data is lost in the cloud, that data cannot be retrieved. To back up cloud emails, try the powerful RecoveryTools Email Backup Wizard. This supports the backup of 75+ mail services & IMAP accounts. You can also back up unlimited IMAP accounts at the same time in batch mode. All information from users can be provided with software using Excel CSV files.

Till date, the cracked version of the Email Backup Wizard is not available. However, in the trial version of mail backup software, you can download the first 25 emails in each mailbox folder completely free. To download unlimited mail, users need to get the first serial key. Give users the option to back up their Office 365 and Exchange Server administrator accounts. In the software window, you can manually map mailboxes directly to users.
It offers compatibility with your users in a variety of ways, including support for multilayer security and industry-compliant models. To protect your privacy, we do not store user account login information in our database. Ensure that the integrity of the email is not compromised without any error in the downloaded email completely. We support a variety of online webmail services, including Gmail, Office 365, Yahoo, Exchange Server,, and IMAP.
Email Hosting Backup Solutions for Windows Users:
The toolkit can be easily used on all versions of Microsoft Windows OS, including Windows 10, Win 8.1, Win 8, Win 7 Win XP, Win Vista. It is not available for Mac and Linux users. This is the only limitation. It can be used for mail backup in all sectors, including banking, finance, insurance, manufacturing, pharmacy, complementary medicine, healthcare, knowledge-based industries, and government sectors.
Its working is very easy and simplified because all users can download their email from the cloud by providing their login credentials for the source Webmail service. If you use cPanel and IMAP accounts in Exchange Server, Web Hosting, Webmail, you need to specify the details of your server to extract the data into your application. Select all or required mailbox folders to back up and select Apply filters as needed.
Why Should I take Backup of Cloud Emails?
There are good reasons to say that many companies are running cloud-based email services such as Gmail and Microsoft Office 365. These familiar vendors are committed to providing excellent performance and ease of use without compromise. Despite huge hype, the cloud-based email will be far away from perfect because it can pose serious security vulnerabilities and risks for your crucial mailbox data. Some of the main reasons for forcing users to backup cloud emails:
- Security: Information security has become a nightmare for large businesses today. There are big dogs on the market like Microsoft, Google or Adobe fighting for their safety. In this race, however, hackers work much faster and sometimes win the race. The good guys have to win every time, while the bad guys have to win only one shot and do the deciding damage.
- Archiving: Archiving is not as important or urgent as security, but has become an urgent need for all types of organizations. For legal, regulatory or compliance reasons, email archival services have been switched from the quality of service to needs. Unfortunately, the storage capabilities in cloud-based messaging solutions have not kept up with this change.
- Business Continuity: If your cloud messaging and any additional features are no longer available, it will affect your business. Many companies face unplanned post-cuts. To solve this problem, a backup strategy is usually executed in the form of a backup system. Business e-mail continuity solutions automatically encrypt and store e-mail communications, providing immediate and reliable access to past and current e-mail messages in the event of a fatal system error.
The Verge: In the above article we get to learn about how it is important for the users to backup Cloud emails. This task can be accomplished easily with the help of a Cloud Backup Solution. It is recommended to choose Email Backup Wizard to deal with this issue. The Free Online Backup software is capable to download first 25 emails from any cloud-based email service to the local storage location in 30+ different Saving File & Email Formats.