You care deeply about your automobile. It’s more than transportation. It’s one of your largest investments. New automobile paint protection helps it endure and preserve value. The automobile is a huge component of your self-image, whether you’re a soccer mom in a minivan or a man in a muscle car. Keeping the paint shiny helps preserve your image and the pride you experience driving a new automobile.
Paint Protection Benefits
Maybe you’ve never considered paint protection film’s benefits. Learn how this auto maintenance item may save you money and extend your car’s life and value.
- Your paint job is in danger.
- Your car’s paint job does more than look good. It also protects metal and other surfaces from damage. Without high-quality paint protection, the paint is vulnerable to:
- Acidic bird droppings burn the paint.
- Acidic, hard-to-remove tree sap.
- Cherries may permanently harm paint.
- Road salt, which corrodes paint and metals in snowy climates.
- Road oil and tar, which splash up when roads are repaved and the heat loosens paint-sticking ingredients.
- UV rays that burn paint1
- Paint protection repels environmental harm.
- Seals paint scratches and bubbles to prevent corrosion and rust.
- Car paint protection Sydney film prevents dust buildup from windy days and the neighbor’s leaf blower. The car washing is faster.
- Use a soft dust cloth to keep your automobile clean between washes. In drought-stricken areas, you’ll feel good about conserving water.
- Protect your automobile with scratch-resistant film.
- Even with frequent washing and waxing, maintaining a new-car sheen is challenging. When the vehicle and paintwork are new and glossy, applying paint protection film maintains it appearing like new. Cars with like-new exteriors are worth more.
Car Protection Film: How To Choose?
When buying a new automobile, ask about paint protection film. Your auto dealer can install protection if you already own a car. If not, choose a local authorized supplier/dealer of a decent quality product like Scorpion that offers installation by well-trained personnel and product warranties.
Spray-On Or Film?
The 6 micrometer-thick, high-gloss, ultra-clear PP6 film is nearly unnoticeable once put. Polish or wax over the protective film for a better sheen. This automotive paint protection is easy to install and won’t scratch the paint (because that would defeat the purpose). It’s removable and has a 7-year guarantee.
Spray-On Film Protectors Differ Greatly From Film Protectors. Spray-Downsides Are:
- Difficulty controlling applications might lead to over spraying and product patches.
- Excess spray and uneven spots collect dirt, grime, and tar, making cleaning harder.
- If the product isn’t applied evenly, its protective qualities may be compromised.