Life and death are the two most powerful forces which are beyond human control. Life brings in happiness whereas death brings the end of life, a destination which no one can escape from. At some point of our lives we all are overwhelmed with grief and bereavement at the loss of a family member, a friend or even a pet animal or bird. Each one has their own ways of expressing grief. For some it may be resolved in a matter of a few days as soon as the cheap funeral services are performed. For others it may be encompassed in them for a lifetime. We look into five ways of overcoming grief at the loss of a dead one.
Join in for the funeral-Calling up the funeral service provider and taking part in the funeral ceremony and other post death rituals can help you deal with the loss of a dead person in the first t few days. Being in the company of the people who knew your loved one closely and sharing memories of him/her with them is comforting. To know that others too are grieved and upset makes you feel it’s only human to feel so.
Acceptance of death- To learn and understand that death is but a natural phenomenon and that no human is mortal may help you get some relief over the grief and sorrow that you are burdened with. The very fact that no one can escape death and one day we all will die can help you overcome with the loss of the dead person.
Outpour of emotions- There is no harm in crying out loud for as long as you want to because that can really make you feel light. We all need a vent to outpour our emotions and crying helps u heal ina better way. If listening to a particular song or watching a particular movie makes you remember the dead one, it’s verynatural.
Talk about the dead one- Expressing your grief through any means like talking,writing,singing or drawing can make you feel better. Talk about the dead person and the memories you shared with him to a friend. You can also write a poem or a journal or sketch a portrait of the dead as art is a medium of expressing one’s self.
Treasure memories- Memories are all that we live with long after someone is gone and dead. To pay your tributes to the dead you can do charity work on his name. Put the photographs of you two and all the related memories like the gifts that you exchanged or write down a letter expressing your gratitude to him/her for all that he did for you in his /lifetime and preserve it in a box so that you can live with the memories.
To conclude, it is only natural to feel grieved at the loss of a close person. To accept death can be challenging but not impossible. With time we all can overcome the loss of a dead one.