How To Eat For Two During A Pandemic

Dr Max Mongelli

Looking after yourself during a pandemic is a difficult feat; add a baby into the mix, and it becomes a whole lot more complicated. Amidst the self-isolation and social distancing, nutrition takes a backseat; this cannot be allowed. 

A healthy baby needs all the nutrition it can get and then some. Dr Max Mongelli has come up with the perfect nutritional plan that you can adhere to during covid to keep you and your baby healthy and safe.

Tips to Keep Healthy During a Pandemic.

#1 Meals and Snacks

According to Dr Max Mongelli, having three meals a day and one nutritious snack is paramount in the first trimester. In the second trimester, however, expectant mothers should increase it to three meals a day and three snacks. This may seem like a lot, but it is essential to remember that your body is growing another human being.

#2 Incremental Dietary Changes

Dr Max Mongelli believes in making small changes in your diet that really help your overall health, such as substituting pasta with healthier alternatives like couscous or putting your bolognaise on potatoes. The aim of the exercise is to consume foods with the least amount of processing.

#3 Whole Foods

Simple acts like making pasta sauce out of canned tomatoes instead of buying tinned pasta sauce will go a long way in your health during the pandemic. While this may take a little more time, working from home has freed up a lot of time during this pandemic, and Max Mongelli believes in healthy eating.

#4 Swap Unhealthy For Healthy

Emotional eating is to be expected while pregnant; the occasional bowl or three of ice cream is acceptable. However, substituting some components with healthier items will benefit you in the long run. 

For example, instead of indulging in chips and dip, Max Mongelli recommends carrots and dip. The nutritious value of your snack just shot up and left your craving more or less satisfied. It is these small changes that keep you and your baby in good health.

#5 Don’t Forget Vitamins

The last tip on what to eat to keep healthy during the pandemic would be prenatal vitamins, and other things recommended to you by your doctor. Another essential tip would be not to miss any screening or appointments. These are very important to make sure you and your pregnancy are on the right track.
Max Mongelli is an extremely gifted doctor who specializes in Obstetricians and is a Gynecologist. Based in Sydney, he is the doctor to go to with any questions.