A vital aspect of modern-day life is electrical outlets. Still, they are taken for granted.

Electricity came into being in the 1800s and since then it has only been upgraded and used to the advantages of humans. After the invention of electricity, types of electricity came into being and then types of electricity generation mediums came into place; nuclear power plants, hydroelectricity power plants, solar power plants, wind power plants, etc. With such terrific inventions, electricity started to change the lifestyles of humans. With most things connected and plugged into electricity, work has become easier. But still, the most basic use of electricity is in our homes.

There are several electrical outlets found in homes. They are needed in the kitchen for appliances, bedroom to charge different gadgets, the living room for the television sets and sometimes even the bathroom for the electrical shaving kits.

But electrical outlets don’t last forever, much like everything else. Their wear and tear happens from time to time and they get to a point where they need replacing. Well, the same goes for faulty switches.

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It is advisable that your home’s electrical system, including surface mounted electrical sockets, should always be in good shape. Not just for the fact that it needs to provide your home with power 24×7, it also needs to be capable of delivering sufficient power to meet the needs of your consumption. The two main spots where you should come into contact with the electrical wiring are: switches and outlets. If these are damaged, it could not only cut the power but also put your life in danger. To make sure that your outlets, switches, and other electrical features are risk proof, you must keep a regular check on them.

Let us understand why it’s essential to have faulty outlets and switches replaced and also when to replace them.

Hot To Touch:                           
A risk-free and properly functioning surface mounted electrical socket or switch should not feel hot to the touch. They might feel a bit warm as comparedto any piece of plastic, but if the switch or outlet is abnormally hot they will be easy to notice when you touch them.If it is hot or overheated then a hazard might be waiting to happen.

Cracked and Worn-out Cover:
The covers on electrical sockets aren’t there for just the aesthetics. They prevent the sockets from dust and debris from getting into the wiring system. As for cracked and worn-out outlets they can quickly turn into a much more serious matter. This is why covers that are cracked or worn out need immediate replacing. If not, they could harm the wiring resulting in a complete power cut.

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Flickering Lights:
Immediate replacement becomes a must if there are any flickering lights with an outlet or a switch. This is the most common sign for a switch our outlet to indicate that it cannot handle the power it is running on. It might just need an upgrade.

Regular Fuse Trips:

Imagine trying to use an appliance and your fuse keeps blowing out. This could be for a number of reasons, first being a short circuit. If left untreated, a short-circuit or blown fuse can lead to a power or fire hazard. If you notice something like this happening with your surface mounted electrical sockets, call an electrician and get an upgrade at the earliest.

If it is sparks that you spot in your outlet then don’t waste any more time. Sparking shouldn’t occur at all. This is a sign of power and a fire hazard. Immediate attention must be given to that particular surface mounted electrical socketand be replaced at the earliest.

Here are some common FAQ’s that might help you understand the concept better.

What if there are no signs mentioned above?
There is no need to wait for a sign, a regular check on the switches and outlets should keep you going. Ageing and out-dated outlets and switches should also be replaced so that they do not cause any danger or power cuts in the future.

Should they be replacedby your own?

Learning to replace faulty electrical components can be mastered. However, with electrical replacements no matter how simplistic the process might seem, things can quickly go awry at any point during the process. The best option would be to contact a certified electrician and get your job done.

So,don’t overthink it and replace faulty switches and outlets when needed. If there is even one sign that a component needs replacement, get to the bottom of it and get it resolved. Replace the faulty outlets and switches for peace of mind.