“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. He who has never failed somewhere: that man cannot be great. Failure is the true test of greatness.” This quote was coined by Herman Melville in the year 1850. The meaning behind this quote is that failure is part of our life; we learn through our failures and try to come up with new ways to solve a problem. Copying someone else’s answer won’t help us understand how a certain answer can be derived.
It is one of the powerful quotes used by everyone across the world working in various sectors or industries. This quote has proven to help students and working professionals alike in understanding how one answer can be derived in various ways. There will always be ups and downs in our life and these experiences will help us in understanding what to do and what not to do to succeed in life.
Here are a few takeaways which will help in utilizing the quote in our everyday lives:
Take risk:
Learn to take a risk in life, it will help you explore opportunities which might be the exact thing you need in your life. Corporate businesses have been risking their products with unique and creative marketing campaigns. Some of the campaigns have worked over the years and have set an example for other organizations but some campaigns were an utter failure. These failures will help you understand where you went wrong and how not to repeat the same mistake again in the future.
Welcome failure:
Failure is something which you will witness in your life every now and then, it is something which will provide you with a learning experience of how to study or how not to study the market and more.
Failure is a teacher:
Failures help in providing various types of experience, this experience might be bad or good. But in the end, it is a factor that acts as a teacher who helps in understanding how to solve questions using various methods and where we might go wrong.
It’s okay to fail:
Many people tend to do similar things which can lead to success as they don’t want to experiment in life, for the fear of failure. It is okay to fail in a few things, in life. These failures will act as experience and will help you face the worst possibility with confidence in the future. If you are able to embrace your failure, you will be able to succeed in life.
End number of opportunities:
When you embrace your failure, you start seeing various paths that will lead to success. You will be able to differentiate between the decisions which will bring your success and failure. Experiencing failure multiple times in different ways will help you understand the value of life and will help you prioritize the tasks accordingly.
These takeaways will help you become compassionate towards work. And life and will help you manage your work in a better manner. This quote will help you tackle the worst of the failures faced by you. And will help you get rid of the fear of failing in life.