Australia is known to have extremely unique terrains and natural environments in the world. From the entire continent/ country being surrounded by a lush coastline to the iconic arid and dry deserts inland, Australia is also known for its exotic fauna. With so much to explore in this special continent, it’s imperative you get your hiking boots on, and go explore!

While Australia might not have the traditional greenery that people commonly associate with lush forests, they have some of the most beautiful and crystal clear waters on the coastlines, vibrant desert sands, and exotic animal and plant species unique just to Australia.. Read on to find out some of the must-visit sites that celebrate the natural beauty of Australia.

  1. The Great Barrier Reef

One of the most recognisable and widely visited tourist attractions in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. It is a collection of nearly 3000 coral reefs that protect the coastline, as well as provide shelter for a thriving variety of marine creatures.

Snorkelling, scuba diving, aerial tours and marine tours are some common activities that one can indulge in at this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Uluru

Another quintessentially Australian landmark is Uluru – a giant monolith of bright red sandstone. It is also considered a religious/ sacred site for the Australian Aboriginals who are one of the oldest human societies in the world.

Scaling this tall rock was banned in 2017, to honour the religious significance of this rock, but this ruling hasn’t stopped the hordes of tourists that visit this iconic site year after year.

  • Kakadu National Park

This nature reserve is home to numerous species of flora as well as fauna. Highly protected, the biodiversity seen in this park is unparalleled. It is also famous for preserving and showcasing prehistoric Aboriginal rock paintings.

Don’t forget to pack your hiking boots and camping gear as the sheer beauty of this mesmerising location will draw anyone into the depths of its lush, nourishing and rejuvenating embrace.

  • Tasmania

Tasmania is a relatively large island state off the coast of Australia. Home to incredibly fascinating species of birds, animals, insects, and plants, this thriving environment is something worth exploring.

Tasmania’s reputation not only stems from this incredible biodiversity but also for having the cleanest air in the world. With how isolated a lot of species can be because of the island nature of Tasmania, you are bound to find many many species of flora and fauna that is not seen anywhere else.

  • Blue Mountains National Park

Home to the iconic Three Sisters – an unusual rock formation that got its name from ancient Aboriginal folklore – the Blue Mountains National Park is a definite must-see for anyone visiting Australia for the first time. There is no other place that provides such a holistic experience with Australian scenery, greenery, waterfalls and other landforms, along with highly respected Aboriginal History.

With so much to explore just in this park, it is impossible to fathom how to fully experience the true extent of just how much Australia has to offer, such as their iconic beaches, various other nature reserves and national parks etc. Not just to do with nature and wildlife, but the culinary, cultural, architectural, professional and general scene in Australia is widely renowned as very welcoming, friendly and one-of-a-kind. There really is nothing like Australia.

Author Bio – Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.