High or Low, fluctuating blood pressure surely causes problems. Blood pressure is the force at which our heart pumps blood into the arteries. A normal blood pressure typical reads 120/80 millimeters of mercury and a little bit of digits outside this range can still consider healthy.
Most of us have heard of hypertension or high blood pressure and know health conditions that may occur. But suffering from Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension can be dangerous as well.
Know about both the issues and treat the problem of High and Low Blood pressure with Ayurvedic treatment in India to live a life of wellness.
What is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure?
High Blood is one of the most common and rapidly increasing health conditions people are facing worldwide. Hypertension occurs when your blood exerts excess force on the arteries wall and results from:
- Stress
- Age
- Weight/Obesity
- Hereditary/Family History
- Alcohol
- Pregnancy
- A high-fat diet
- A high intake of salt
- Smoking
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- More common in adult men
If not controlled in time, it can cause issues like cardiovascular diseases, stroke, blurry vision, kidney problems, and more. Treat the condition with Ayurvedic natural remedies and learn about them extensively during Ayurveda courses in India.
Bananas & Avocados
Potassium intake is amazing when it comes to lowering down the high BP and banana and avocados are a great source. You can consume it directly or make salad or sandwich for a nutritional boost. Other potassium-rich food includes spinach, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, and beans.
Eat Berries
Berries are more than just a juicy fruit it consists of polyphenols that lower blood pressure and also good for heart health. It prevents heart disease risks, and if middle-aged people eat berries for eight weeks, they can see effective results.
A sweet spice or seasoning highly used in the cuisine of India and other South Asian countries. A study has proven that cardamom significantly reduces high blood pressure. Consume its seeds or in powder form, adding in food, stew, etc.
Garlic is an amazing natural remedy to lower blood pressure. It increases nitric oxide in the body that causes blood vessels to relax and enhance blood flow. You can eat raw garlic glove, in the form of supplement, or add in food.
What is Hypotension or Low Blood Pressure?
If you’re feeling dizzy or nauseous even when you need to move from bed to the living room, there are chances that your blood pressure is below normal. A sudden drop in the flow of blood results in symptoms of shock and result from:
- Dehydration
- Loss of excess blood
- Medication
- Alcohol
- Narcotics
- Inflammation of organ
- Heart diseases
- Adrenal Insufficiency
- Deficiency of Vitamin B12
- Septicemia
During low BP, you feel that blood is rushing to your brain and leaving you off balance, and to correct it, you all need simple natural remedies.
Consume Adequate Salt
Low-sodium diets are not good for everyone, especially people with low blood pressure problems. One with low blood pressure should increase their sodium intake that moderately helps to stabilize the blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables rich in sodium are also a great way to increase low BP.
Pomegranate Juice to Rescue
Dehydration is one of the common most reasons for low BP. Pomegranate Juice is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols that may help you with low blood pressure and keep the body hydrated. You can also consume coconut water, aam panna, bel sharbat, and other fruit juices along with water.
Holy Basil Leaves
Holy Basil is a granny’s treasure trove that is known for uncountable health benefits. Holy Basil or Tulsi consists of high levels of potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin C that regulates the pressure of the blood. It also consists of antioxidants and keeps the pressure under control. Consume in the form of tea or herbal water.
Indian Raisin or Munakka is another great remedy, you need to soak a few of them overnight, and then boil it with milk the next morning. Drink daily as your breakfast regime. It increases vitality, blood circulation, and helps with lower blood pressure.
Panchkarma treatment in Kerala is also a great way to deal with lower blood pressure issues.
Drop or raise in the blood pressure wreaks havoc on your overall wellbeing. Ayurveda helps you to regulate the pressure of blood and lead a disease-free life.