Earning money within a short period is the main concern in current times. But there is not much focus on good investments and savings. Making good money quickly without expending much effort is the common aim of people regardless of age or gender. Reza Irani is a highly popular financial expert, and he gives immense importance to savings and investment. He stresses that savings and investment are the keys to multiply your money within a short duration. Some of the ways he suggests to achieve the same have been discussed here.
Multiplying your savings
Reza Irani advises you to be prepared for rising inflation at all times. He says that it is not advisable to blindly invest in stocks and markets. Instead, you need to increase your savings by investing in other options, and as per him, investing in some low-cost mutual funds which spread your money among growing institutions and firms is a good option. This is because investing in a mutual fund allows your money to grow without the headache of monitoring the stocks. It is important to select the correct mutual fund. The amount which you want to invest must be determined after taking the risk factor into consideration and your financial health.
Spend less on luxuries
Spending money on luxuries if you can afford is fine, but you need to draw a line. It is not wise to shell out money on luxuries that you can do without. Blindly splurging money on luxuries drains your wealth and can even lead to the point where it becomes difficult to make even ends meet. Thus, as Reza Irani points out, it is important to cut down on luxuries and save for the future.
Secure your future
Reza Irani emphasizes savings for the future. He says that it is imperative to create an emergency fund that can be used in times of medical or financial emergencies. You need to save a certain amount of money every month to not only increase your savings but also tide over emergencies that may crop up in the future. The saved amount should be kept in your account and must not be used at all. Altogether, you need to go by the phrase which states that if you don’t stop spending on things you don’t need, then you may have to sell things you need in the future.